I'd scream and cuss if I had to fly US Airways, too. #teamdelta
I'd scream and cuss if I had to fly US Airways, too. #teamdelta
As a South American who has been in the U.S. for 12 years, I am all against colonial paternalism and the Monroe doctrine pisses me off to no end. However, I am not against this attitude when it comes to things like these. Culture should not override human rights, I don't care what anyone says. This is just as bad as…
That's what I thought too. The fact that he is much older is probably not even a minor issue in the movie. if it was the other way around (much older woman, younger guy), it would be the movie's entire plot-point.
Then you release critically acclaimed albums about it.
Preach elsewhere. I am intimately acquainted with CPS. If I see someone smack a child I will call the cops right then and there. If you think slapping a child in public is ok then what do you think happens at home? Spanking is real abuse. It's ignorant. lazy and outdated and has proven time and time again to be…
The NSA just likes to watch...
I don't like the phrases "average" and "normal", and how these are used in this sense, but the idea remains the same: she has incredible body, and she has been working hard for it. What Diehl didn't do to get her body for the competition is what separates her from the others: she didn't starve herself, she didn't…
"You please me, child-ape. Perhaps I shall not steal your breath after all."
Out there somewhere is the person missing five-grams of weed who thought they were doing a great thing taking in a stray cat.
I'm calling straight up bullshit on your understanding of what click-bait actually is.
I want to give Pamela Anderson the biggest, warmest, most appreciative hug I can right now. Such a sad story. It's remarkable whenever anyone can bring much-needed attention to a horrible issue from personal experience, and it's so telling that it's very often years and years after the fact. This is a woman who has…
I'm glad it helped you! A couple of my friends have Crohn's, they've told me how hellish it can be. I would never begrudge anyone doing what works for them, especially in that kind of situation. If going gluten-free helps you not feel like you're dying, please go for it. My side-eye is reserved for those who say…
Very true, but most of the late-nitpicking I've been subject to has been at salaried positions where five minutes here or there cannot matter especially when I'm expected to put in hundred-hour weeks while being paid for forty.
We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.
What a good cat, holy crap. I hope the mayor gives it the key to the city.
Well, as long as they're keeping the graffiti under control, order will reign.
What video did you see? He stands there perfectly calm as she wails on him...
hahahahahaawesome!! This is so happy making. Thanks Mark!!!
There's plenty of room for neck beards on this article.