File this under: "Being a Woman - whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong."
File this under: "Being a Woman - whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong."
It's pretty obvious she meant the note to be found and attributed to a child, as there's no way a teacher really writes like that. It reeks of intention.
Hey, that's an awesome job of judging the fuck out of people for being extroverted you've done there. Keep up the good work, you sanctimonious asshole!
Yeah, I don't know what the big deal is. She hit the genetic lottery and she's cashing in on it-if anything would illustrate that there are more important things in life than physical beauty, modeling would probably be it. Let her put that money to good use: invest it in her kids' futures, philanthropy and shit. …
Angry people: We all want our kids to have more than we had, learn lessons early that we struggled with, and have the love/attention/validation/whatever that we wish we had.
We always want better for our children. Good for her.
Wow, you were not kidding. That is an insanely beautiful family.
You probably have lines because you have cursed yourself into living a life where you rarely laugh or smile!
I'm almost 49. I'm reading here in the "comments" that some women are choosing not to have honest reactions to things in their lives because of lines that might be created/might be shown/might cause them to implode. Holy f***king crap. Seriously?!? You will not fully EXPERIENCE your life because of a fear of getting…
Seriously? Last week it was someone complaining that Jon Hamm's arms weren't "big" enough, and now you, with this bullshit. And even if it were true, who fucking cares? Let me give you a clue, dude - besides you? NOBODY. If you have to resort to finding fault with the way a person's ears look to make yourself feel…
From the time that I was a senior in high school until I was about 23 I had this extreme on again/off again relationship. It was one of those toxic messes where people couldn't even believe that we still spoke to each other after some of the shit that had happened. And it was literally more off than on. We were…
I make sure if I'm not wearing makeup to apply a few layers of Photoshop before I go out.
I wouldn't wish it upon anyone to lose a $10,000 engagement ring or hate them for buying a $10,000 engagement ring. That said, I think it's not completely irrational or weird for the poors (i..e me and other people in the lower income bracket) to be like, damn, "I could spend that money on a lot of other things." We…
I engage with them because its fun. Don't like it? Don't read it or comment on it.
You know what? I finally bit the bullet and let my psych prescribe me medication to address my crippling BDD and eating disorder. Coming to that point in this recovery process was so difficult and took admitting a lot of vulnerability. Admitting to myself and my partner that, just because I don't "binge and purge,"…
My husband and I were talking about this last night, oddly. I mean, about haircuts like this, or for men who go bald. The truth is — it's all about the shape of the head. If you are a goddess of eternal beauty like Lupita Nyong'o, you can rock this and look great. But some of us don't have such perfect skulls. …
This guy happens to be a part of my social circle. I'm very happy and very proud that if somebody I know was going to do something that went viral... that this is what it is.
I have worked with Gloria for years and just want to say for the record, Terry approached her at an event as asked for a photo and she said yes, because she ALWAYS says yes to photos (when she can). She had no idea who he is. Just so y'all know.
It's a female version of the Nic Cage/John Travolta flick. You know - Facial Off.