
"I'm not religious, I don't have a fear of sex..." It sounds like you do have a lot of baggage in regards to sex, you've been told your whole life to not have it, and now people are all like, "zomg?! why aren't you having it?!" Society is so annoying.

Yes, the best outcome for this situation is for the mother to be serious about her sobriety.

Look I am not a Dunham fan. I have never seen her show. I don't care if people like her or not. I was bored. I clicked on the article. I saw the comment. I pointed out a real life fact that many people do not grasp. Hosts don't write the skits. They have a whole stable of writers on staff (many of whom do

Not making an "argument" nor defending Ms Dunham (never seen her show) just pointing out the very real fact that the hosts do not write the skits. That is all I was doing. Being pedantic but still factual.

Give me your daughter, dumbass, so I can love her up and give her a life with potential... This made me cry. I can't imagine my 4 year old son "taking care" of me..

As someone who got bullied frequently in a school where teachers and administrators did nothing to help, as someone who was small for her age who couldn't physically defend herself, I would have loved it if my mom beat up my bully for me.

She deserves whatever punishment she gets. No adult should ever attack a child.

I hate this piece. I like the intent, but the way it is written is infuriating. Probably a very unpopular opinion but there it is. I hate the reference to the turkish guy offering to 'buy her' and the implicit racism in choosing a person from that particular region who she probably assumed was muslim as her example.

Yes, fix the outfit as you are walking out the door with no time to change.... that's very constructive.

Anya is my favorite part of the the Buffyverse. The concept of a vengeance demon speaks to my soul.

I'm actually startled by how heartfelt this was. If you told me four minutes ago that Adam Sandler was about to make me sorta tear up, I would not have believed you. And yet.

Hi, my major is in Early Childhood development (with a concentration on Elementary and Adolescence), and I'm just going to say it: spanking is bullshit. You know why it's obviously bullshit? Because you have to keep doing it. If your kid keeps getting his or herself into trouble constantly and you keep hitting

Why is she obligated to be nice? She has no idea who this guy is that is throwing himself at her feet. It's the equivalent of getting an email from a Nigerian Prince who wants you to help get money from your long lost uncle.

I don't plan to make all that much effort restraining myself.

Yeah & in 4 years she'll have school paid for while the rest of them (myself included) have loans for the rest of their lives, (minus the trust fund babies).

he is awesome

Racoons are not perfect, but how dare you call them horrible. They have little PAW HANDS.

Here's our darling rescue pup, a labrabull (Lab Pitbull X - we think). She's the bestest and cutest dog ever!

Shelter cats are the bomb too.

Iman vs. Jessica Simpson