I wish that the police wouldn't charge underage sex workers.
I wish that the police wouldn't charge underage sex workers.
It really works! When nobody's around, I go skinny dipping in the liquid nitrogen tank. And I've lost so much weight, I'm basically nothing but bone now.
Didn't think of that but now that you mention it this article is probably the best thing I have read on J.
Yes we are. This is the first time something like this has ever happened in history and now the entire world is spiraling downwards into a cesspool of wild violence and evil.
I too thought this is what Jezebel was supposed to be and started out as and it has disappointed me more and more in the recent years.
Yes! I really hate how we treat gay people like if they were these magical, liberal, open-minded, non-threatening people. It just makes it easier for them to get away with sexism, racism (which is rampant in White gay culture), and classism.
I'm glad he wrote this article. This is a problem that needs to be discussed. No, I don't agree with every single point made in it. Nonetheless, it's still a well-written article. Most of his points are spot-on.
His whole TV career was jerking off on camera.
I'm trying not to because I can't die before work.
I would bang Alan Rickman until we used up the word "bang" and English would have to invent a new word. And then we'd use up that one too.
Man, good for him, i hope he gets lots of $$.
Good for him. Most people these days wouldn't lift a finger to help someone in distress. Kitty Genovese, anyone? The bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility are a thing. Whenever these sorts of situations come to the media light, I ask my "philosophically Anarchist" self, would I put myself at risk of…
I think we would all be fascinated to see what kind of person responds to this ad. Also, how someone both has enough ego to believe that they could fulfill this position while simultaneously having no ego.
It is pretty great as a "Hey, it's that guy!" movie. The woman Bilbo Baggins is pretending to have sex for a film with? Joanna Page, who's just finished marrying David Tennant as Queen Elizabeth I on Doctor Who.
I just find the euphemisms annoying. I'm fat, goddammit, not a "big beautiful woman," in the same way I'm tall and not "statuesque" or whatever.
I understand (and applaud) the sentiment, but I also really wish we could get to a point where "fat" was a neutral descriptor and not an insult. It annoys me greatly that I can't use the accurate self-description without well-meaning people assuring me that I'm not *really* fat, or telling me not to be so hard on…
Maybe they're just related...
Yes thank you! I tried to explain once that in NYC its a normal question. People are happy to share their culture and customs, I dont understand why its offensive to ask people about their cultural background. I ask all people, including white people. Guess what, Russians Polish and Italians dont have the same…