
To be fair, I think it's weird that anyone listens to Carrie Underwood.

Oooh Black Sabbath are great! Hope you manage to grab some tickets. I would love to see them.
Keep living life! :D

It should be tagged offensive instead of informal.

I get shit ALL the time for saying that in some ways Courtney Love is a personal hero of mine. Yes there are a lot of things about her that I don't agree with, however, in reading about her history, there are a lot of really powerful messages in there. She was dead fucking set on everyone knowing her name. I admire

i so love what this thread had become

Gonna throw a little love this guy's way too

oh god he is so gorgeous (and naked!) as Norfolk....

Loved Nine, but David Tennant is still my fave. Who couldn't love that face?

Nine was just a fling. Ten was my first ltr.

You have good taste.

That man is gorgeous.

Really? A personal choice about what or what not to purchase is a better question than racism??

Seriously. What an awful thing to discover when you're just going about your day.

She wants praise and attention. This has nothing to do with inspiring other women. Be honest about your own narcissism.

I have found my people! Ex-husband used to let me go to town on his back - sooo satisfying. Current Husband is not so keen, but gets the most fantastic spots. When I notice a new one forming, I stop listening to him and just gaze at it. It's like in a cartoon where one character is really hungry, and the other

Every time my husband tries to change into his pajamas at night, I accost his back with my fingernails. Poor thing. I don't know why he puts up with me.

Yes, my ex used to let me squeeze his back zits, it was so fun. Also, he has a bump on his chest that he said he had for years and let me pick at it... turns out it was, no joke, at least 5 fully grown ingrown chest hairs. I felt like a god when I finally got them all out and he was happy the bump was finally gone.

I am allowed to inspect/extract maybe once a month. Under very specific, pre-shower circumstances. Otherwise I have to stare, my desires unfulfilled...

GOD, NO! And don't insult my boyfriend** Dave Grohl.

This dude's recurring night terror: