not every victim is traumatized especially in cases like these, it's possible to admit that what happened was inappropriate without being negatively affected by it
not every victim is traumatized especially in cases like these, it's possible to admit that what happened was inappropriate without being negatively affected by it
This weekend, Chris Brown told The Guardian that his first sexual experience happened when he was 8 years old, a…
Alright, fresh pink hell sounded like something one of you would say, so fess up.
I really, really hate people who can't recognize that sometimes, it's not important for other people to hear their opinions. If it's negative, unhelpful, and saying it implies you think that your opinion should be more important to the other person than it actually should, keep that shit to yourself.
This story has everything!
Are you suggesting saying no to a special snowflake? You are a monster!
I am a Ukrainian woman, and I don't know a single submissive one, myself included.
Jay Gatsby...J gats by...J gets by. Interesting theory.
It was the only thing quoted, and really, shouldn't be that surprising. She can barely understand a life where a woman free to leave the family home, let alone to do so with a man who wasn't her husband. It is unimaginable for her. The horror of that quote isn't just what it says about her feelings towards the victim,…
It's harmful to the regularly victimized and aligns well with systems of oppression when people make the silly argument that "you just need to stop allowing yourself to be affected by things". It is not the responsibility of the oppressed to stop being affected by oppression, and it is completely unreasonable to…
I had my first kiss/makeout yesterday. Go college! It was nice, and kinda easier than I was expecting. I'm sure I'm not very good yet but it was definitely a fun experience.
*Class Protector-induced tears mixed with happy article-induced tears*
Yay, my hometown did something awesome! I love it, and I'm so happy for her.
I thank you for your kind words. I'll tell you a little of the aftermath of this post. One of my daughters stumbled across it, got all emotional, and shared it with the family. My granddaughter said, "It's sappy, but sweet." One of my son-in-laws* complained about filling shoes. My wife liked that I would share it…
I mean, I wash my face when I shower every day. Sometimes I shower twice a day if I do the gym thing in the morning. You know, with soap and stuff. This is normal behavior? Yes?
I hate the non-apology "If anyone was offended, I'm sorry." Be sorry you said offensive stuff. Period.
You are completely wrong! It's the noble kiwi who is the loudest member of the fruit family!
Thank your lucky stars he didn't mention the loudest fruit of all: The Banana!
Gah! No! I've weakened the Bitches' Coven! Fie upon me!