
He didn’t free her because according to the laws of Virginia, or possibly just his county, she would have had to leave —free slaves were not allowed to stay near their former homes. She could have been arrested —she wouldn’t have been able to see her family.

You’re a repulsive POS and I hope you get all the ugliness and sorrow you deserve. Soon.

Did you see the Kurt Russell/Val Kilmer Tombstone? It came out on the 90s. There is a scene where Kilmer’s character, Doc Holiday, is introduced to a sheriff he doesn’t like.

Opena window? Are you kidding? Unless the window is completely, 100% open, that won’t help AT ALL.Crack a window and the interior of a car can zoom over 110 degrees in minutes, even on a 70 degree day, killing any animal or person inside. Horribly.


Canyou please give teachers who aren’t that old but just can’t seem to stop saying “honey”a pass, too? I can’t stop. I tell adults to stop swearing and to take their hats off, too. It’s horrible....

Thisis what happened to Rosemary Kennedy. That’s why she was developmentally disabled. I think the nurse tried to keep her from being born until the doctor got there, too. WTF? I mean, really. Those people should be in prison.

Oh, boy. I don’t say the word Hispanic ever. I say Latino. Why? Because I had some terrible problems with panic and anxiety — I for the first time truly knew what it was to want to commit suicide. And I cannot have anything to do with anything that reminds me of that horrifying time. One thing that happened was that I

So now he is paying attention. And he gets shamed and ridiculed for it? Yeah, you can say he is getting shamed and ridiculed for not being aware before. But why do that? How will that encourage anyone else to open their eyes? It won't.

Well, that’s the accusation. But what if he is being genuine. I know this — whether he is genuine or not, he will be accused and jumped on. And that’s not productive.

The title of the article is “I Don’t Know What To Do About Good White People.” So I can understand why she thinks it’s about her.

Well, the article’s title does contain the phrase “good white people.” So I can understand her thinking it is about her.

This isn’t Borderline Personality Disorder. This is a sociopath.

Thank you for sharing that story. I love stories like that — it seems like the world has special earth angels or something.

It’s strange the way certain people see the world. They see what they want to see — never mind what actually happened.

So, Lundy West doesn’t watch The Walking Dead. Or know anything about it. Weird.

Have you ever wondered if perhaps this guy wanted to coerce you? If that is actually what he wanted? Maybe he got off on the fact that you weren’t attracted to him. And he didn’t want to force you. No. He wanted to make you act against your will. And he did. I don’t know. But that occurred to me. Maybe he liked the

Your brother and sister in law are the coolest people in the world. The end.

THANK YOU! Why are some people assuming this is true? There is no proof.

Do mentally healthy people masturbate on subways? I absolutely consider him mentally ill. That doesn’t mean I think all mentally ill people are the same. But this guy can’t be healthy — mentally healthy people don’t jack off on trains.