
I just gave this reply to someone else, but it works here, too. You are so lucky. At least you actually DID cocaine. I didn't and I have a hole in my septum. From what? Well, your guess is as good as mine. I have Crohn's disease, so it could be a weird, autoimmue thing. It could have been a little-known,

Oh, you're lucky. At least you actually DID cocaine. I didn't and I have a hole in my septum. From what? Well, your guess is as good as mine. I have Crohn's disease, so it could be a weird, autoimmue thing. It could have been a little-known, cartilege-destroying side effect to one of the many medications I took

5'3" and 120 lbs? Hello, bar mitzvah boy! And I have seen some incredible suits on bar mitzvah boys. I am not kidding. Going should have been able to find something. I guess she wasn't in NY.

I remember when my grandfather died. He had been sick a long time. We knew he was dying. My little cousins weren't in the hospital with him, but we were, when he died. Anyway, we told my little cousins that grandpa had died, we all (little cousins and everyone) went to the funeral, went to the burial, and came

You know — I know a man who is wonderful to the world and treats his own children like such crap, telling them they are worthless and awful and a waste of his time and the reason he divorced their mother. But this man is truly fantastic to everyone else. The town loves him. A lot of times, people's public face is

Well, you made a mess.

The corgi asked for it.

Walk out Legos? Oh — you mean walk ON Legos. You wish he had to walk ON Legos for the rest of his life. Well, you must be a parent or work in a nursery school. In a past life, you obviously were the head torturer of the Spanish Inquisition. Only a devious mind like Torquemada's (the Grand Inquisitor) could come

A friend of mine who was date raped told me that the thing that made it so horrible for her was that she knew and trusted this person. Then, of course, she had to deal with the reaction of other friends taking HIS SIDE when she told. She had to deal with her whole group of friends and their families turning on

I think it's Mark Twain. Googled it. It comes up as Twain (and certainly sounds like him) in some places, but in others it says that the attribution is dubious. Who knows? It's true, though!

I am speechless. I live in NYC. Can someone please tell me what a closet is? Is it that depression in the wall that I have a sheet hanging over? Is it that space under the bed where I shove things?

Not from what I have read. I have read that girls were excited to get it — until they figured out exactly what it was. Then it was horror. I have read a number of books and articles on it, from the book by that model, Waris Dirie (Desert Flower) — actually, I in particular remember her description of wanting it

Well said!

I like you.

No, it's about human suffering. That is all anything is about — how to reduce human suffering. If I were a girl about to get my clit and labia scraped off with a rusty razor (and then have whatever was left sewn together) I don't think I would care about culture. I would want some culturally insensitive Westerner

You said that very well. Culture should not override human rights! I am stealing that from you — it is pithy, correct, wonderful. Culture should NEVER override human rights. Some people do female genital mutilation in their culture. And it's wrong. And it should be stopped.

Actually, it's more complicated that that. Based on what you quoted, it sounds like he doesn't hire her just because of her stunning good looks. He hires her because she doesn't take the easy way — because she works really hard. Would he have hired her if she had been at the bottom of her class? Would he have

Of course you are! And I am glad you say it! Sadly, I think this place only exists in the poster's mind. There certainly is a privilege that comes with beauty — no matter what race a person is. However, I wonder how many people, if given a choice to be an unattractive white person, or a gorgeous black person,

Um, Lupita Nyong'o does not have light-skin privilege.

I think I TOTALLY FUCKING LOVE YOU! Thank you for that post. Oh, that post is just so anti that Jezebel thing of always looking for a new victim to protect and a new protected group to bash. You are awesome.