
Why did the MLB agree to a debt-financed purchase? It’s such an obvious recipe for disaster, and they just went through this whole thing with the Dodgers. Having broke-ass owners damages the product on the field. Is it just because it artificially inflates the sticker price of the team being sold? Because it sure

I fucking love Jeter’s self-inflicted damage to his reputation. I hope he sticks around for like 30 years and keeps digging himself deeper and deeper, so that when he dies someday he’s remembered more as the shitty owner of the Marlins than as a Yankees shortstop.

Ok. Look up “George RR Martin” interviews in the search bar on Youtube. You can just copy that and paste it in: Then wade through 50 hours or so (what I have seen) and you should find it.

America has a weird relationship with rules in general.

He’s near?

“Maybe I’ll get it again, maybe I won’t. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll never do this again. We’ll see.”

The Metro trains from prior to the early 2010s had carpets/fabrics on the floor.

The huge difference is that Walter White’s turn happened over the course of the series in a way that was reasonably paced and made far more sense. They planted plenty of seeds for Dany’s turn, but there wasn’t enough time given/work done for them to grow into trees. Instead, the writers basically took a field full of

In her defense, it’s not like the people running the joint had made Westeros a utopia in her absence, and her willingness to take on the established, slave-owning powers of Essos in order to get to her goal made it seem like she’d be a good queen for the common people, which is something she actively embraced.

There are parallels to explore between her and Walter White, and the fans of each who excuse every progressive step towards awfulness because the show is presenting their perspective (justified to them, of course!), only to be caught up when their heroic character is shown to not be heroic — and never have been as

The amount of rage about Dany going off because of “misogyny” from the writers is beyond me right now.

I admit I had hoped that was his plan but in the end I think it comes down to Jaime was just a damaged human being who loved who he loved. While a redemption arc seemed like a nice idea at the end of the day he was right when he told Brienne he once threw a kid out a window to protect his love.  He was a complicated

It’s possible he didn’t feel he deserved that redemption. I don’t think the show justifies a complex reading, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable that Jaime would still feel guilt over his past, or that he didn’t think he had a future without his sister. Some people pursue things even though they know they’re doomed.

There was a scene in season 5 that, for all the over-analysis of prophecies and whatnot, wasnt really mentioned in the lead up to this season. Bronn asks Jaime how he wants to die and Jaime says in the arms of the woman he loves. So sadly this shit was in the works for a while, but I agree his character just yoyoed

Yeah Jeets

+1 gift basket

We will all make jokes about this but honestly, I couldn’t ask for anything more as a Sixers fan. It’s a make or miss league and Kawhi just fucking made the damn shot

That ball spent so much time on the rim Derek Jeter just proposed to it

Boston gets curb-stomped and Philly goes out crying?

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