Tickle Fight

Go ahead and pull the trigger. No one is gonna miss you. 

He calls out psychos like Musk and makes people like you piss themselves so that’s pretty cool.

See this is why we think Musk worshippers are stupid.

We’re literally talking about it, mini brain 

Go wash your ass. 

Shut up. Your parents should answer for your dumbass. 

They’re teenagers, you useless cunt. 

Go choke on piss, fuckstain.

This is stupid, bud. 

Oh honey that’s so sad for you. 

Your stupid comments are the gifts that keep giving that we wish we could send back. 

Until it happens to you, dickhead. 

It’s incredibly obvious it’s your alt account. 

Can we get yours soon?

Oh sweet Bobby. You really think you’re doing something. 

LOL shut up

You’re both dorks. 

We all assumed you loved that shit.

They didn’t say that so settle the fuck down. 

Are you usually this stupid or did you break your brain sucking Elon’s dick?