You’re proof you don’t have to be wOkE to be a douche bag.
You’re proof you don’t have to be wOkE to be a douche bag.
If you walk into the street and don’t look up from your phone you’re not a victim, you’re an idiot.
Aw, you were so proud of this idiot word salad.
In case no has told you, go drown yourself in a toilet.
Did it work? Did Johnny pick you yet?
And the people who have an opinion on this are the real losers.
Cut his dick off. Yours too. Not like you’re using it.
Thanks for telling us all what an asshole you are to those you deem “beneath you”. Dick.
Suck a bullet
LMAO you’re a fat bald old man who’s just jealous. Saggy ass bitch.
Pull the trigger already bitch
That commenter puts out so many disclaimers about trolls that I’m inclined to believe they have a secret troll account.
The idea that money is a shield for feelings sure is a stupid one.
Ew shut up
Good. Get a real hobby.
Ooh look at the big brave boy using naughty words!
Actually the best thing about America is they can say whatever the fuck they want and there’s nothing your bitchass can do about it!
No one is afraid you dork
Fuck your stupid parties and your stunning ignorance as well.
All this tells us is you’ve lived a charmed life and you’re not a woman. You fucking suck.