Tickle Fight

It’s ok to kill yourself

Awwww! Morgan’s mommy showed up to defend him!

Pull the trigger already

Look at this fucking mark

JFC please read a book or listen to a podcast or something. Hollywood has NEVER been about original ideas. They were cribbing from plays and books since before talkies. 

Goddamn I feel sorry for anyone in a relationship with you. 

Someone’s had this hate in the chamber for a long time lol. 

No one cares about your boner, loser. 

Oh no! Perspective?! What a bitch!

Lead us off, Bob.

Oh no you might have to get a fucking life!

Yes it is lol

Who cares?

This has nothing to do with what your parents call you. 

Every time you post we’re reminded of what a dunce you are.

She was a human being, jizzrag. Now go pull the fucking trigger already.

You’re on the side of sociopaths. Not something to brag about. 

Found the asshole who was fired for harassment 

Yeah it doesn’t sound like that at all.

No they didn’t bc AVC didn’t say that. They said “in shock” which is appropriate.