
LPT: use the plastic bag from the ice bucket 

Bring zip-loc sammich bags for the remote so you can use it without worrying about what might be on it.

My 4 year old got in trouble at daycare for telling another kid "I'm going to poop in your butt". While I respect the fervency of his position, the execution leaves much to be desired, but what are you gonna do...the kid's 4. I don't know what Joan's excuse is.

‘Tis the season:

Oh no. They don’t have Nanaka Crash! It must be saved! I spent too many hours in middle school on it. Without it, we’d have never gotten more advanced clones like Burrito Bison.

The Candystand mini golf games are on there.

Yeah, and a 3-day lag to respawn is bollocks.

There isn’t in sugar in Diet Cokes tho (and probably not that much in baby goats either).  Unless they’re cutting his ‘Diet Coke’ *snooooort* with powered sugar I guess.

Worse. Like DARE, it likely had the exact opposite effect (not to mention several other deleterious effects).

Hey! Those suitcases filled with drugs that they showed us in school were pretty cool.

By “public opinion” you mean the opinion of the 535 individuals who will actually take a vote on this, right? (House and Senate) Because the public writ large doesn’t actually get to decide anything.

Most folks don’t know this, but right before Yoda lifted that X Wing out of the swamp, he smashed a few snakes to death with his walking stick.

Maybe this is why Luke was so strong in the Force. At first he built up his Force by “bullseyeing womp rats” in his speeder, but he became very powerful when destroying the Death Star and the numerous enemies aboard. That must have been a Force windfall of power!

Dear god.. that is NOT how game streaming works, your level of ignorance is staggering here (don’t get me wrong, I hate everything about Stadia and game streaming services, but what you said is 100% false in every regard).

If the hallucinogen in question is a psychedelic (like LSD or magic mushrooms), you know what’s real and what’s not. In a bad trip, you are not scared of some monster you are the only one to see. It is more like a train of bad thoughts you can’t stop.

Good point. Arby’s is famous for allowing adults to run around in the restaurants and throw food on the ground. Such a distressing double standard.

Or you know, been like “That clearly doesn’t apply to me. I got good children who occasionally act up, but I know what to do in those situations.

This also works very well for people who have taken too many hallucinagens and are freaking out. Which is basically a panic attack. 

I used to make roux-based gravies, but once a friend turned me on to cornstarch thickening, I’ve never looked back. 

They aren’t friends.