RIP DOOM. Also, minor note: “The Mouse and the Mask” (2005) was his collab album with Danger Mouse, not “Mm..Food” (2004).
RIP DOOM. Also, minor note: “The Mouse and the Mask” (2005) was his collab album with Danger Mouse, not “Mm..Food” (2004).
Heads up, Danger Mouse wasn’t on MM...Food. The Metal Fingers produced that one himself.
“Influencer culture” was always going to be the next logical step of the Reality TV era. I never really got swept up by any of the popular reality shows, but it became obvious to me just how pervasive the format was when a friend’s band was featured on a reality show about low-level MMA fighters. It aired on one of…
Good thing you didn’t post the same thing a dozen times in different threads!
This is Ian virtue signaling. And doing a shitty job at it. While reading, this paragraph struck me as not only out of place but also laregly out of touch. And pissed me off quite a bit. So before I tackle the issue, shame on you Ian... Rather than throwing out platitudes about a largely presumed privilege based on…
“As with many hobbies, the upper echelons of skateboarding have long been dominated by white dudes who have the privilege of rarely coming face-to-face with obstacles based on their identity.”
Claiming that there is “need” for more transparency doesn’t actually mean anything. You didn’t offer even a single reason why there not only could be more, should be more, you want more and especially a reason why there “needs” to be more.
That Baltimore article you linked is mostly a digest of a different article on a site called (no idea how credible they are but the original article is well presented at least). The original article is about the larger trend of declining arrests and rising crime in Baltimore, which they ascribe to corruption…
bUt WhAt aBoUt oUr HiStOrY?????
Time constraints. Actually doing those assays is time consuming, so they only got eight of them done before the marketeers hit SEND on the press release.
If you don't like The Office, I think you should take your comments, turn around, and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR BUTT
Dink more water Carl!
My Massachusetts family:
My white sister up in Maine, who is generally left-leaning, young-ish, with a half white/black son who has very dark skin, will complain about how the police treat my nephew in one breath, and in the next breath will rail against immigrants/Mexicans and how they need to get out of the country, how evil they are, and…
If you make murder illegal, only criminals will murder!
Talk is cheap. Stop murdering people and we might believe you.