
Much cheaper option is just getting an RF-WiFi smart home hub and programming it to your already RF controlled fans, and any other appliances in your home. An oft overlooked option if you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on retrofitting your whole home.

Much cheaper option is just getting an RF-WiFi smart home hub and programming it to your already RF controlled fans,

She’s selling comics to fund the video games. It’s mostly reinvested.

It’s not just rooted in that show - “Bicycle Built for Two” was the first song ever programmed on a singing speech synthesizing computer. Indeed it is the most basic of HALs programming. One of my favorite moments of the film.

Cigarette and joint roller for almost twenty years here: my best advice is to let the paper roll itself. People often try to squeeze it tightly around the herb, but treat it like any other piece of paper and just roll it the way it wants to go and you’ll be more successful. Roll from the middle, not the ends. Start

Blow... harder? Add pressure until it starts expanding. If the air is coming back out you’re not providing enough pressure. Some balloons take a decent amount of pressure to get going, but once they’re “open” it’s much easier. Keep your lips pursed so the balloon doesn’t fly out of your mouth. You can also use your

I literally just bought my wife a flight on Delta with a connection thru Detroit and I now feel really bad. Hope she’s not totally screwed with a 1 hour layover.

I grew up in Salem MA, not far from Boston, and only time I was ever denied was at a liquor store there with my California ID. The most ridiculous part is the guy behind me blatantly offered to buy it for me in full view and earshot of the clerk, and the clerk let him. Couldn’t for the life of me understand the

My assumption is Firestick is too slow. Just get a Raspberry pi, install Openelec and be done with it.

Hah yeah, I also noticed that Pluto doesn’t force the live stream, so when you pick a channel it starts at the beginning of whatever program is on and you can skip around like normal. Ah the fringe benefits of being on the fringe :P

Awesome, it also looks like there’s a Kodi app for those of us who are still digital hoarders but who want to occasionally channel surf. This will make a nice addition to PseudoTV (creates channels out of your own library!) which I also just got setup.

#correction: Airspace Lounge is in San Diego, not San Francisco. Also the fee is $35 for San Diego, not $20.

Seems it’s already gone? I’m not seeing a coupon to clip.

Seems it’s already gone? I’m not seeing a coupon to clip.

Lagunutas IPA will be my standby till I die! I’m finally branching out of IPAs, but that was pretty much all I drank for a solid 5 years at least.

The line for the metal detector may be shorter, but it’s a longer screening since you need to get a physical pat down as well. 

In a similar vein, I remember seeing Urge soda in Norway when I was in high school. Looked exactly like Surge, just without the S. I found it hilarious. Even kept the bottle.

“Well if you don’t like it then you can git out” is exactly the opposite sentiment that this country was founded on. Also there’s those pesky free speech, right to protest, and free press things. Thanks for playing tho.

How can you talk about the horniness of AotC and not mention the completely gratuitous ripping of Padme’s costume, allowing dozens of adolescents the chance to gawk at Natalie Portman’s bare midriff for most of the third act?

Seems there might be a touch pad on the hatch you have to hold for ten seconds to get the trunk to release? Just did some googling cuz this seemed odd, found this response for a different new Subaru. 

In Oakland, Lake Chalet’s dock is a sublime location. Dining essentially on the water at Lake Meritt, far from any traffic or other noise, sunshine or shade how you like it, and big low comfy couch seating that I’ve almost ended up napping on. The service is slow as molasses, they staff the cheapest local kids they can

Hold the fucking phone, elsewhere in the world it’s Duracell who have the bunny mascot???