
Crusher addresses her lack of knowledge by explaining that Klingons are secretive about their medical history, and Worf was the first Klingon to serve in Starfleet, so it is understandable.

You don’t tip your IT guy, consultant, or lawyer because those are specialized skills. Tipping is generally meant for work that you know you could have done yourself but you paid someone else anyway - bringing you food, mowing your lawn, clearing the gutters, driving you somewhere, cutting your hair, etc.

Congrats, Becky, on discovering what Terrible Tuesdays are.

Did you just imply that Anthony Hopkins was cast for his dick? 😆

This is for vaporizing ground material, generally Cannabis flower, and cannot be used for nicoteine based e liquid vapes that you’re talking now about. But I’m sure your purtain nancypants don’t like that either.

This is for vaporizing ground material, generally Cannabis flower, and cannot be used for nicoteine based e liquid

“Max wait time of ten minutes for sf muni” is laughable on its own, even more so when your pic clearly shows a twenty minute wait for whoever misses that bus.

Well yeah, there’s are always going to be assholes. That’s the entire tragedy of the commons. The question is how libertarians plan to deal with it.

How is “go see more shows” buried all the way at the end of the list? By far the best and easiest way to find new music you actually resonate with is to see it performed live in person. In fact, it’s the best way to experience ANY music!

Because “indo” is slang while “endo” isn’t. Also, you can try just looking up the lyrics.

How is this not marked as a paid product placement? There can’t be a soul alive that deems this kind of software to have a $40 value.

That’s “indo,” short for indoor grown weed. Nothing to do with endocannabinoids.

There is. I found it. Move along now.

Yeah but is there a way to mute updates? Tonight was not the first time I’ve been woken up at some ungodly hour being told my echo is updating and won’t be available for the next few minutes. Because that is totally a concern of mine when I’m asleep at 3 AM.

About a month ago I woke up mid-endoscopy. No, I do not want my own endoscope as an eternal reminder of that terrifying experience.

About a month ago I woke up mid-endoscopy. No, I do not want my own endoscope as an eternal reminder of that

There use case is they’re smart switches. Energy monitoring is a bonus and included in most smart switches already. $12 is dirt cheap for smart switches, energy monitoring or not.

There use case is they’re smart switches. Energy monitoring is a bonus and included in most smart switches already.

Sadly, that’s super duper not true. Although it does seem to muddle in some details regarding the original unused score that Alex North wrote. Poor sucker didn’t even know his music wasn’t used in the film until he sat down in the theater at the premier.

I’ve been heavily using a grid it for travel for three years and it’s still snappy as ever. No idea what this guy is putting his through.

Why don’t you bring it into the kitchen and go check?

Already done.

As there are super-tasters, it has long been my theory that conversely there are sub-tasters as well, and I think I’m one of them. I love the hoppiest IPAs, the spiciest food, the stankiest cheeses.