
Hah, I’m a fellow slug, and my wife grew up in SC and worked at the boardwalk, no idea how neither of us realized where that was.



Instead of this trick that doesn’t work, just cock your hand back as far as it goes when getting your wristband put on - makes your wrist fatter, gives you a good extra centimeter or so of circumference. Makes a big difference if you’re at a weekend-long event.

From my meager Buddhist education, karma exclusively burns off from past lives - anything you do in this life is the result of actions and intentions in past lives, not your current life. Your future lives will have to deal with whatever shit you’re pulling now.

My plan is to get a pair of those pregnant belly headphones and play my unborn child nothing but Autechre for the entirety of the pregnancy. My kid is going to have awesome taste in music.

In that case you’ll be wanting lower CBN content, like >0.1%.

Keep an eye out for cbn as well - that’s what gives indicas their couch suck. Potent stuff.

Did not mean to take attention from the pun. It works

Burritos have beans, cheese, and rice. Proper tacos have none of that, it’s more of a meat showcase than a belly filler.

Ah. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Kids wanting your attention isn’t a problem to be worked through, that’s just kids. You sound like the type of person who thinks that with proper parenting a kid will never have a trantrum either.


Got one for my kitchen but I never use it because you can’t set timers on it :/

Got one for my kitchen but I never use it because you can’t set timers on it :/

Are you really doubling down on being a judgemental douche?

I wanna put some emphasis on pulling back foreskin if you’re uncircumcised. Not something that’s always mentioned in sex ed classes and boy does it make a world of difference in feeling.

Sounds like you should develop better habits of cleaning your hands regularly when traveling. Also don’t ever touch the remote in your hotel room, bring a gallon Ziploc bag and put it in that immediately upon entering. Airplanes and hotels are disgusting places.

Strange, I wasn’t huffing or puffing until I was a teenager, and even then, it wasn’t parentally permitted ;)

You’re looking for sativas, yes. The largest difference between sativa and indica cannabis is the presence of the cannabinoid CBN (both contain the most prominent, THC) - this is the characteristic couch suck that happens to your classic stoner. However, you can still get these effects from sativa strains, as THCa

I thought so too, but I just switched from a very “floaty” typing style to a Microsoft Sculpt keyboard that’s split, and it’s only taken me a couple weeks to get to the point where I don’t have to think about typing.

+1 for the Sculpt, I just started suffering from carpal tunnel after 6 years as an online customer support rep and it has quickly relieved my typing-related issues. My biggest need was getting an angled keyboard that was also 10-key-less, since I mouse a lot at work as well. Of course I’m also getting symptoms from