
There’s so many that aren’t for me you’d think I actually don’t like video games. Some of them I just own up as not being for me but there’s others that I find genuinely frustrating that I don’t like them because they should be right up my alley. Sometimes my OCD habits (100% completion, exploring every nook and

Been a subscriber to PS+ ever since it first came out and have been a subscriber to their top tier since they’ve offered tiers and I don’t think I’ve ever once played one of the streaming games or free games offered (I usually have them already or am not interested, though I’ve dutifully claimed them each month)

RE: Data accuracy: I think “massive” controversy is only true to those directly involved. Otherwise this seems pretty low stakes. They’ve always had a much more casual vibe towards reviews and data collection than places like GN anyways and despite recent investments to be more data driven, that perception of them

I wish that wasn’t true but after seeing Trillian struggle for so many years with this I have no doubt that’s exactly what will happen.

Not there’s any kind of equivalency with cultural faux pas and the attrocities associated with them but the Japanese “judicious” use of blackface in media always immediately comes to mind whenever there’s an outcry by something the West has done. I DO note that in both those instances it’s about the US doing untold

Not saying it’ll happen but I’d LOL if MS has Activision intentionally tank the CoD brand and create a new military shooter IP that’s Xbox exclusive. I also feel like Sony will be having Bungie focus on a FPS (maybe it’ll be Marathon, maybe something else) to compete with CoD.

I came to this realization when I started paying attention to game specific usernames on the PSN. You check their trophy history and it’s always nothing but a single franchise like CoD, Fortnite, Madden, or Street Fighter though occasionally you get someone with a handful of shovelware game trophies as well. Makes you

While there are there’s some variation in quality, some of these recreations are nearly uncanny. User apolloastral’s version of Taylor Swift is especially accurate.

I’ll reiterate what I said on your last hot-take article ( that we see what we want to see. I most definitely didn’t see Joel as a protector in the show and I found this ending more middle ground between selfish and caring than I did the game. In the game I felt Joel was justified. Here

I suppose we see what we want to see. I still feel like she was a badass and that what they have been doing is trying to up the level of fear felt for the infected over certain scenes in the show (both Joel and Tess seem MUCH more apprehensive about running into infected than in the game). The way she handled herself

I came here to say this exact same thing. I had no idea it even released.

Can you update the video URL to not include the time start at 88 seconds into the video? The URL for the video should be:

I’ve noticed a lot of articles here and at Kotaku accidentally include the time start linkin the URL. The URL for the video should be and not

Sorry, wrong phrasing, I guess the snapping back to center aiming? Not sure what it’s called. Where the crosshairs move but not the screen? I like my centered crosshairs :P

dupe woop

I’m wondering if they’ll have any other QoL updates to GoldenEye other than online multiplayer. While standard and a normal feel for the time (i.e. my other personal fave, TimeSplitters), the leaning a stick to aim feels so outdated these days without dual analogue aiming.

Because everyone knows it’s impossible for any other group to be at risk for HIV and need a prevention medication... nope... just “the gays”. *sigh* Bigotry on full display

What a great writeup. I think the callout Kwan makes about not overexplaining or getting lost in the lore’s technological details to focus on the story and characters is great. It’s a fine line to be balanced and not something we think about or see spoken of so clearly and simply. It makes me think back to Star Trek

After reading the horror story published here about how cumbersome and strange it was to get the saves from PS4 FF7R to PS5 FF7R I had some anxiety. There was even a 7 paragraph “how-to” explainer posted by Kotaku for it. All of 30 seconds later, all I could think was “THIS was deserving of a fearmongering article?”

Now playing

The Peanut Butter Solution. I have no idea why the movie is so horrifying as a child. It just is.