
I remember years ago when Sony was considered the indie developer darling but it’s obvious they’ve done an about face in that area. Their storefront has absolutely become more obtuse over the years and even more so since the introduction of the PS5. It has now become my default to search for games by title if I want

Doubly so



I just want updated modern controls and movement (jumping, crouching, crawling, leaning, cover, etc.) but the rest of it can stay just as crazy as ever. Unique characters with different stats and hitboxes, weird weapons, tons of unlockables, and please bring in ALL of the wacky multiplayer shenanigans: https://timespli

You can actually air-dash out of that prior to landing, preventing the animation. I had a fall damage malfunction on my character that I’d negate in these secret rooms by dashing first. Unfortunately you have very little time to act so you need to spam the dash button as soon as the teleportation starts.

I came to reply the same thing. Not a single dildo since starting the game. I’ve put in far less time but there’s definitely none lying on the ground, around the streets, or anything. I don’t believe I have any censoring on but now I’m going to have to go check.

I definitely get the point of the post and don’t necessarily think crunch should be rewarded but I’m curious if this award is more about the result of the direction and not the process of direction. Seems like a subtle difference but one that the voters should be aware of before deciding a winner in a category like

I want to watch this boring video but all I get is : No compatible source was found for this media.”. I’ll take it as a sign that doing so would put me into a coma and heed this warning.

“It has become clear that to deliver an experience that players will want to come back to and enjoy for a long time to come, we needed to pivot the design,” the company said at the time.

I have to agree that the VR games have not been the biggest attraction to the headset for me. Oddly enough, it’s the extremely low latency that has been a huge benefit to playing online multiplayer games. I find myself doing leagues better when playing Rocket League or Fortnite via the VR headset.

It might be interesting to give his primary and alt fires a knockback effect like when using his ult. It’d make him more of a positioning tank. Close up threats could be pushed back giving him a chance to heal, reposition, or refocus target and do more “tankly” duties.

I was having a ton of lag issues with my recent PS4 Pro purchase. Wired or wireless I was getting max connections speeds of 8mb down and 5mb up on a 150mb down 15 up plan. I dug around in my router and enabled an adaptive QoS to prioritize game devices. I know not all routers have this but it’s been a life saver. Now

Does anyone have external HDD recommendations? I’ve also heard rumors that HDD’s that have USB hub like features won’t work. I want to get that kind of information confirmed before I go buying one. Anyone have any insight?

This cracked me up seeing the notice to be able to pick these up from the treasure truck today.

GDI Fahey... why are you so freakin’ adorable? lol

Does this review take into account the large “Crown Update” patch on release or will an update be provided for the review after the patch?

J.J. Abrams tried to recapture the magic of Mulder and Scully with the sci-fi procedural Fringe, but it didn’t really work.

Came for the match, stayed for the disgustingly bad rats nest hair.