
Good for him.

OK Carrie is a mother earth type person caring about her child. She wasn't worried in the hospital, cool as a cucumber. Doctor said if he wakes up from

It's time. Watching her hook up randos every season and getting hit on by any man that crosses her path is gross now.

I meant general policy of propping up your chosen puppets, enabling them for years making their ouster more likely. You want to go the insult route, fuck Eisenhower for starting it first.

Like how understanding Carrie was when Quinn had to shoot her to keep her from fucking the mission up, she almost bit his head off instead of being grateful he saved the mission.

As an Iranian I appreciate the Mossadegh reference. If Putin did what every channel is screaming he did, It's the karma of 60+ yrs of foreign policy of messing with other countries affairs.

Me too, and when she says "I had other choices or option" does she meant being a tripphy wife for Otto? She doesn't deserve Quinn's love if that's what she meant.

I don't, comparing it with season 3 doesn't work.

Quinn shot Carrie under order pretty early in the relationship with plenty of hesitation, unlike Carrie manipulating him out of the coma with her listen to me/look at me shtick.

TPAJAX #NeverForget

It was her idea.

Quick forgiveness was odd.

Not smothering someone, finding someone half dead when you go look for terrorists by chance when you thought that person was dead does not mean you saved them. Jeez Carrie, get over yourself.

All the shit's Carrie has done to Quinn, she deserves to be bait.

I'd like to see how many will watch for annoying AF Carrie, without Quinn.

I'd like to see how many watch the insufferable, selfish Carrie if they kill Quinn.

When he made Sister Peter Marie Marie fall for him, that was so twisted/amazing. Christopher Meloni was perfection from head to toe, O'Riley & Keller worked well ogether too.

She's such a gross selfish character, in the 6th season this is her growth. Why hasn't she checked on him if she cares? All she cared was getting info from him in bad condition just like last year.

Carrie would have banged Quinn years ago if he had red hair.

I don't hate red heads, the Brody character was shit to Carrie and she sees them the same way. Red hair is a prerequisite in Homeland casting though.