
I'm hopin Quinn would pull a Gone with the Wind and leave Carrie shaking her stupid chin.

I hate the dead weight Brody.

Keller's love with the sacrifices, betrayals, longing looks was my favorite part of the show.

Carrie saying I Love You by the finale or bust.

Quinn & Brody in the same sentence is gross AF.

Quinn/Dar relationship is kinda reminding me of Beecher/Keller relationship in HBO's OZ with a paternal twist.

Quinn always takes a back seat for Carrie doesn't matter how much he sacrifices for her. Last season's 9 days, bedside half dead interrogation, leaving him to go sovle the mystery, sleeping with Jonas after being dumped 3 times before and only remembering him after being dumped AGAIN. She had time to watch him Jonas

Israeli military offiials support the deal, it's Netanyahu that want US to start a war to distract from his legal troubles and illegal settlements.

It was Carrie's idea to wake him up, even Saul was surprised she didn't stay by his side after her fake caring interrogation went south. Carrie is the cause of harm for every one, she just uses everone that crosses her path. Why hasn't she checked on Quinn? After she hs no other option she may check on him, just like

"Wildly Icompetent" applies to Carrie ruining everything then "I'm sorry, I fucked up". You zero in on Elizabeth beating up the feds, as unrealistic. She a stone cold super competent spy with a laser focus dedication. Someone with her training can do just that, when she gets the upper hand against guys that sit in an

Good! Save Quinn from that cursed Carrie.

Philip and Elizabeth have their Saul too, realistic spy show don't last this long. Smiley miniseries for example. Elizabeth doesn't ugly cry with every asset she bangs. Carrie in real life would be tazed/arrested before she gets close to Langly HQ gate.

I'm Iranian and very familiar with where Hillary stands on Iran, her fake idiot grin while talking about obliterating Iran is just like her mentor Albright's "worth it".

Yes! wigs, lack of giant stor holes, consistent quality…
Homeland didn't even have an Arabic speaker to notice those graffitis. Compare The Americns Afghan/Soviet invasion story with Homeland's S3 Iran story.
A-list actors only goes so far covering HL writing.

She has the essential roe of shaking her damn chin and being dragged into the story like a bumbling fool. Maybe Carrie can get shot too, always out sight out of mind for her when it comes to Quinn. I'm kinda angry too.

The Amerians is spy thriller perfection, from their wigs to story detail to real writing instead of hurting Quinn every other episode emotionally or physically. In 5 seasons one shooting and just on illness.

I wrote it very fast on my phone in a fit of rage. ;)

Quinn has suffered for his sins plus Carrie's two times over.

Agree with everything. Dar was always grey but there's a possibility he is being played by a bigger bad guy and the sceme will come back o bit him. After 9 days Carrie will remember Quinn again.

I Love You