
OZ is the greatest show ever made.

yes, carrie is a cursed slut.

OK, Carrie is a horrible person, Quinn and what he saw in her made her tolerable IMO.

I love Elizabeth, she's the ultimate badass. Homeland's season 6 was the worst and Carrie more disgusting than before.

she started screaming like a hyena when red menace was hanged.

her reaction last year when Tatiana won was the worst, everyone was genuinely happy for the young star. she rolled her eyes, did the eyebrow thing then started clapping.

she only cried at her picture, "oh poor me another one dead because of me" i wantd to bitchslap her in the car. it's kinda Good Wife-ish, Quinn/Rupert was getting all the attention.

blah blah blah Hillary was war mongering regime change loving power hungry monster. She looks like the loss is still hurting, I hope it does forever.

What TV characters is has been this disgusting without some good things to cancel the horrible things he or she does?

that selfish slut's rejection pretty much proved it. maybe otto can come back as the main bad guy. i'm sure she fucked him between Berlin and New York.

Now he is free of this shitfest show, Carrie can fuck anyone that comes along next season.

They basically killed him because he was overshadowing the main star Carrie/Claire.

She was just "YEAH" he is dead. God i hate her.

OMFG the trash bag for Quinn's things, Carrie deserves to end up alone in a padded room. She wasn't even going to keep a memento but she kept Brody's devil spawn.

Carrie's vagina is for terrorists only, UGH. They put the rejection in for extra FU to fans.

Carrie is a horrid person.

they went to find the terrorist, both thought he was dead. Carrie was let off the hook again by Astrid that persumed dead Quinn is not her fault.

me too, after all the stalling and torture porn without Quinn the show is dead to me.

So it's ok if US did it to every one?

So you like to see her be a trophy wife? That's fun. Philip and Elizabeth started in a shitty place too but worked out their issues to in fucked up world of espionage.