Nilla Waffler

That is like the extreme extreme version of something that happens to me at work with amusing frequency, where someone will leave me a lengthy voicemail and sign off with some variation "ok, love you, bye!"

Yes, important clarification/reiteration, for a teenager it is really wrong.

Oh for sure. I'm just saying that even as an adult with a fully-formed idea of relationships it can still mess with your head. Making that kind of thing almost incomprehensible mind fuckery for a pre-teen.

I had a relationship with a grad school professor when we were both full on adults and it was still kind of a messed up thing to do. It was an incredibly sweet relationship and I didn't feel taken advantage of in any way at the time, but I knew in the back of my mind the feelings were all mingled up with the work we

Ha. It's interesting though how like 900+ comments are not grey but yours is though.

You got a link to the schooling? Curious.

Not banned, but you are in the grey though.

Well you're in my age bracket so I guess we're going back to a time before you could just furtively google, huh?

I just mean that if people are reckless idiots, they're going to be reckless idiots. Not having a place to go isn't the only thing that causes reckless behavior, and having a place to go doesn't guarantee universally good decision making by any means. Your experience may have been different but it's not exactly

It's funny. There's the so-called cool mom and there's the mom who's like, "I am going to talk to them and tell them and buy them some lube and then they are going to do it exactly how, when and where I say and never make any mistakes ever. Look what an awesomely enlightened parent I am!"

The people that are pro- kids having sex under their roof are really just pretty controlling and are imagining they can keep their kids' sexuality locked down via proximity. Total fantasyland.

Hmm, not convincing, especially since that first guy clearly has an unrelated axe to grind—and either Dan Siegel has retracted like 65 percent of his academic writing in the last four years when I wasn't looking or his quote is being used way out of context.

I don't see where on the thread people are arguing against open and honest dialogue, but ok.

Did you mean to respond to me? You're quoting someone else in your response.

Having them do it in your home can't protect against pregnancy and STDs though. If they're irresponsible and stupid about protection they're just as likely to be that while everyone's out in the living room watching So You Think You Can Dance.

Is there a point to your comment? Because if so I'm not seeing it.

No way, that's a fake. There's NO WAY the actual Martha could be a capslacker. She's extremely obsessive compulsive. Have you seen how precisely she pipes icing?

Given the extremely deleterious effects of growing up with a parent with untreated depression

There is a concrete list of specific traits for each disorder and you have to meet the criteria to qualify.

Yep, that's basically what I was thinking of. That or drive him to a psych ER. I'm sorry you had to go through that with your ex, I know how nightmarish it can be.