
Come on, FF IV is one of the most important and influential JRPGs of all time and you have it 10th?

I am both 0% surprised, and 100% disappointed to see FF7 at the top of this list.

This feels very 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Fyre Festival

To everyone in the comments: It’s okay. You can admit what DeSantis is doing is absolutely an authoritative abuse of power without having to hem and haw about Disney to try and keep your “progressive” credibility.

Nothing I’ve read about this loser has convinced me that he is a hero.

Journalists (or in Greenwald’s case “journalist”) that base their work on a contrarianist outlook almost always fall for conspiracy theories, propaganda talking points, and authoritarian cults of personality.

“Man On The Moon” should be taken down a number of positions, and in place of it should go “Harborcoat” and “Try Not To Breathe”.  Sorry, I’m not taking questions at this time.

You need to look deeper into things that DeSantis has actually done and you’ll realize he’s an actual fascist. He unconstitutionally fired a duly elected state attorney, personally redistricted the state (again, unconstitutionally), gutted a liberal arts college because it was a liberal arts college and forced in far

Not sure if its the basis of a lawsuit per say but its a definite GDPR violation

That’s because there isn’t any. People who enjoy watercooler chit-chat may find that those conversations are useful. People (like me) who actively avoid it will never find it helpful, and are more productive working remotely precisely because they don’t get roped into these unproductive side quests.

It’s also to allow wiggle room for certain people who they don’t want to quit for competitors. There are plenty of employees at a company this large who never worked in an office pre-pandemic because the didn’t have to for various reasons related to role, team, or individual.

Remember, this is the same industry that was going to strike and bring the country’s freight to a complete stop because they didn’t want to have to give workers sick days, and inspection times have been cut nearly in half. But hey, at least Norfolk Southern spent 10 bn in stock buybacks!

God you are stupid. Any permanent transitions - such as surgery - aren’t offered to children, nor can they be “reversed” by simply weaning someone off of drugs or something.  All that language about “winding down treatment” makes it fairly obvious that its a lie to claim this is about stopping children from making

I have “accidentally” seen T-Pain perform like three times (he was at a few festivals and shows I attended) and he’s a crazy talented guy, Auto Tune or no. Finally found some of his NBG stuff a few years ago and I always get a chuckle out of it. Happy for him.

Always fun to use this twice in a day:

I think this says more about MBA programs than it does about ChatGPT.

Big deal, I know lots of people with MBAs that struggle with 4th grade-level math.

Continued Musk: “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 69 times!”

An agreeable list though I’d like to say that the M.A.S.K. toys were fantastic representations of their on-screen counterparts!

IMHO I don’t think baiting is their goal. It’s more about riling up their base. The fact this whole thing started with one guy on a committee said “we’re looking into all our options” or something made them freak out is funny.