
I too have given someone an icepack, so I understand what it’s like to work in an E.R.

probably will require a Meta account from now on

To the concern troll grays,

I mean if this is the ignorant hill he chooses to die on so be it. What has angered me more than anything is the number of Hotep’s & fools willing to back this man’s bullshit and compare it to Muhammad Ali’s stance of not wanting to be drafted. I mean really? Oh for the record Ali cut a PSA urging people to get

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Interesting that you should bring up Carlin.

Conveniently he labeled his friend a comedian. That was how they were able to be friends. That tribe mattered more to him than gender. And while I think there is something admirable about that, it’s also indicative of his inability or unwillingness to deal with his biases. He never had to address her gender because

The first mistake you made was taking right-wingers anti-government stance seriously. They’re all fascists. They’re not really against government, they just want a government that protects them and throws everyone else in prison or kills them. None of them are for abolishing the military or police. Their goal is

It could be an algorithm that’s taking the typical price (from all sellers) and averaging it out. The algorithm isn’t smart enough to know that the product is rarely up for sale new from Amazon and is pricing like a scalper.  

Honestly, the Dems really need to take back this narrative that having a fully accountable and transparent police force is somehow anti-cop.

In my experience, only people with very iffy positions on things are afraid they'll be "found out" and face the court of public opinion.

I understand the concern, and once held it myself, but I think the difference in my opinion now comes from the fact that, at least in America, conservatives have already become an authoritarian power with a discriminatory stance, and are pushing their supporters to follow. It’s not a ‘what if’ scenario. They’ve

First let me say thank you for a well written response to my initial statement. Mature discourse is harder and harder to come by these days. :)

No there are 3 groups:

- normal people who think it’s nice he was able to buy a house in the city he lives in and understand how much money he makes because it’s been transparent the whole time.

- always online parasocial leftist weirdos who feel like they can dictate how and where he lives his life (he doesn’t know who

More importantly, they will never say exactly which specific freedom they are talking about.

Also, don't feed the piece of shit troll that is whiggly.

“... the Ben Carson of people whose eyes open all the way...”

7. What constitutes dirty enough to take a shower?

“continue our cycles of class-based resentment of mainstream reporting and education-based authority.”

Weird feeling to generally agree with the point of the piece, and still think, “Wow, what a dick.”

Tangentially related: Bikini Atoll is better than Salton Sea