
Gayle showed her whole ass back in 2016 when Trump was spewing his racist vomit and her morning show reaction was (paraphrasing) “Oh no, Donald Trump doesn’t really mean that. He’s a friend of mine [[direct quote]] and I know he didn’t mean it like that.” I’ll never forget it, I almost fell out of my chair it was so

Side note: Favorite new nickname for Trump after this tax story.

All the way up and sit the fuck down.

Gayle can shut the fuck up.

Girl, the O’Fish are an endangered Irish species!

Natty ICeIs? 


(True story: I worked with a woman, Mary RIP, loved her. One of the RHNY women came into the bookstore we were working in and elbowed her way to the counter and demanded that we drop everything and get her books so she could autograph stock. We had none in stock and were hella busy, so Mary just looked at her and told

This smug bitch.

His police union got dissolved, and he was eventually eaten by the first wolf that came by?

He got dangerously close to self awareness, but then he knocked back another scotch on the rocks Xanax.

The best explanation I’ve seen was that of course all lives matter. But we aren’t demonstrating that black lives are included in that. There’s actually an unwritten “too” at the end of that: Black lives matter, too. Because it’s clear that, as of right now, all lives do not matter to some people.

Before anyone screeches out that ALL LIVES MATTER, I’ll simply point out that it’s not about all lives. It’s about Black Lives that have yet to have any degree of equality to white people. When was the last time a white person, pulled over for a routine traffic stop felt that this was the night they might die? Until a

I’d make the argument that if someone chooses to not vote for a Sanders ticket because of 2016 then they aren’t really a Democrat, just like someone who chose not to vote for Clinton in 2016 isn’t really a Democrat. Only now, we know the price of not voting/voting R/Voting 3rd party, and anyone who tries to justify

Too many Democrats blame him for 2016

The clear answer is to transfer Mark Steven’s shares to Kyle Lowry. Then him and Kawhi can both run around saying “Board man gets paid”.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a