
The irony is that in the corporate world you are often simultaneously over AND understaffed. Special projects get an unreasonable amount of funding and headcount, while bread-and-butter teams are near skeleton-crews.

Surprise, surprise. Sadly he didn’t even manage to learn enough to change his mind about twitter only needing to be “50 people”.

Twitter probably can’t get down to less than 50 LAWYERS, much less 50 employees. Even the idea of only 50 engineers is patently ridiculous. You’re going to need that many people to just

Am I the only one that wonders why the original X-Wing and expansions always get ignored in favor of TIE Fighter?

Yes, TIE Fighter was a general improvement over the original but beyond being able to play unapologetically as the Empire it wasn’t nearly as revolutionary as X-wing was.

It’s fine to prefer TIE Fighter,

Sort of - but to an extent you could leverage those same critiques on almost any large publicly traded corporation, particularly tech companies. He’s even self-aware enough to admit that he could have done more to try to steer things but was too busy off being an engineer.

It happens all the time in the corporate

I was going to say that - bare minimum - the latter group drives blissfully unaware that there are other people on the road.

Given that less than 1% of abortions happen after 21 weeks, much less after TWENTY EIGHT weeks, that set of findings really wouldn’t be that different.

Maybe know what you’re talking about before you think you’re being clever.

I know you never argue in good faith.. but if that’s the one example you’re focused on you apparently don’t pay attention to anything you don’t like.

Even the goddamn REPUBLICAN Senate Intelligence Committee even concluded that Russia ran an extensive campaign to drum up support for Trump and away from Clinton.

Galaxy brained take. Yeah, we’ll just put the users in charge with no limits or oversight. No verification of information, that’ll go over well.

Also: you’re too stupid to see that deliberately allowing false or potentially false information to be amplified is -literally- the road to fascism.  It’s how fucking fascists

Jack Dorsey: “Goddammit! I’M supposed to be the most odious thing about Twitter.  ME!!!”

Come on now, we can’t expect right wingers (I’d say right wing trolls.. but how do you differentiate at this point?) to even pretend to accurately perceive reality.

It’s amazing/frightening to see how completely deluded right wingers are when it comes to how the world of capitalism operates.

They seriously/wholeheartedly believe corporations and banks have some sort of moral agenda. While ignoring that they are all fundamentally amoral entities that will sacrifice any principle if

See now, you might have some sort of point if we were actually provided all of the data/information and were not having to rely on interpretations from people with questionable motives. It’s not even clear that Weiss was provided ALL the information that would be required to actually make the claim.

That (D) after her name is literally the only reason she got my vote in the general election in the first place. She’s done very little to make me happy about her position beyond that.

She most certainly didn’t get my vote in the primary, especially given her awfully Republican-looking voting record in the house.

Maybe a bit... but more likely it’s the fact that Warnock’s win was threatening to take the camera off of her - and it seems to be like she’s just got to be the center of attention.

She’s pretty full of herself for someone that was seated based on her primary qualification, which was... *checks notes*... oh yes, NOT

And before we all forget about this again... let’s remember that Fox News and the WSJ completely passed on this story because they also could not verify it.

Both of those outlets (Fox more that WSJ) are right leaning enough that they would have loved to publish something that might have hurt Biden’s chances of being

Angrier, but idiotic.

When it was unverified it wasn’t yet the “truth”. Maybe Guiliani should have given the data to twitter first rather than the Post? Or better yet - maybe he should have given it to an outlet with a reputation that isn’t quasi-reliable at best+helped confirm the story? A story that -incidentally- sou

Yeah, any game with people bunny-hopping or crouch-spamming while still being able to accurately shoot drives me a bit crazy.

First of all: this isn’t some original point you are making. Multiple others have already stated it (AND it was perfectly obvious before they did)

Second of all: You seem to be missing the point that Elon “Free Speech Absolutist” is the one firing people for things they said. I guess that theory of his only went as far

Welp, today’s the day. I told myself the moment Musk owned twitter then I was deactivating my account.

Suuuure Sammy, it was the leak that makes you an assassination target - not the brazenly partisan rolling back of freedoms for 50+ percent of the population. Not the palpable glee in your finally getting to throw away all precedent. Not the making a mockery of what is supposed to be an independent judiciary that