
I’m sorry to say this, but Beto is wrong in this case.

They didn’t choose to do “nothing”. THEY KEEP CHOSING TO ACTIVELY MAKE IT WORSE.

You do realize that “the left” isn’t a party AND the whole question of institutionalization (mostly the horrible abuses that at times went along with it) and mental health is a bit more complicated than “mental health care = good/bad”?

And let’s not forget that by the time Reagan was President he should have been able

The argument isn’t that we should have no “good guys with guns”, it’s that “good guys with guns” is not a solution that can reliably reduce the incidences of mass shootings.

The disingenuous constantly float this and a more well-armed populace as the solution to all of this.  It isn’t. It never will be.

Well, she started her career off much more as a progressive. The election though... it wasn’t quite that way. She was very much running as the “moderate” Democrat. The campaign literally touted that she was one of the more “independent” representatives in the House. “Independent” meaning a worryingly Republican-like

I want to try this, but everytime someone starts talking about a medium burger I cringe.

Pink in the middle steak = good.
Pink in the middle-burger = do you know how much surface area you’re fucking with when it comes to ground meats?

To say nothing of the fact that keeping your burger pink invariably does nothing for

First of all.. you come off as a raging asshole in a good 95% of your posts. That alone makes it difficult to differentiate you from a right-wing shitposter. See also: use of the phrase “you folks” in basically any context.

For someone that likes to whinge about tribalism you are sure fucking quick to group people

Exactly. Why would we even have an SEC if we trusted them?

Stonehenge. Not only do you not get to get close.. but you also get to visit this legendary, mystical monument while seeing/hearing all the traffic on the a303 zoom by.

I could have forgiven not getting close if the site was actually secluded/peaceful.

Republicans endorse every other sort of bias, so why not confirmation bias as well?

Please rein in the knee-jerk hyperbole.

Everything stated is in relation to the “carceral state”. Diverting money from that does not automatically constitute getting rid of all police and all prisons.

There’s a world of difference between a system that addresses all social problems as criminal offenses and the

The sad truth here is that whether or not we can get rid of the filibuster is kind of a moot point.. just look at the WHPA vote today. Manchin and “pro-choice” Collins and Murkowski all voted no. The country couldn’t even cough up a single extra “yes” to make the filibuster question meaningful.


I guess supply and demand (and cause and effect) aren’t really taught in troll school?

Here is how supply and demand works in the real world. When the supply of one of the most widely used formula brands dries up, people turn to other brands. That, in turn, lowers the supply of those OTHER brands.

Combine with lower

Nobody has you are privilege

You sure told us.  Fuck off, troll.

Yes and? When your goals are progressive polices that need laws passed to enact... you need votes. Why do people around here keep sneering at Democrats for wanting the votes to accomplish the very things their voters keep demanding of them?”

I think the point is many don’t even try until they think they have votes.

I almost wish I was a teacher in Florida. I’d spend the day talking about McCarthyism and the Red Scare and how it was leveraged to roll-back anything remotely “progressive” in the media and hollywood. The cherry on top would be ending with Ron Fucking DeSantis pulling from the same shitty playbook.

You said victims of

Rated GFR:  Get Fucked, Regressives.

And yet the Supreme Court has previously disagreed with that assessment of the 14th amendment.   Go back to your hole.

All this time they are trying to argue that a zygote and a fetus are a person.. and now they want to challenge a ruling that basically hinges on the idea that immigrant children are, in fact, “persons”.  JFC

Do we need Trucker Convoy 2: Electric Boogaloo to remind everyone that Canada also has reactionary right-wing assholes also? 

Surely you can come up with different reasoning to argue 2005 is superior. This is currently arguing that 2005 is better than a version of Battlefront 2 that doesn’t exist anymore.

No lootboxes, and currently works fine.