
Get the fuck out of here with that disingenuous bullshit. Nobody is aborting the day before a baby is due.

The heartbeat you reference is electrical activity that happens before there’s even a heart to beat. Something arbitrarily chosen because it can elicit an EMOTIONAL response.

No fetus is viable before about 23

No, the issue (literally) is already stated in the post you seem so confused by: giving dangerous shitheads a bigger platform.

Or just look at the horizon, particularly from a higher vantage point.

Counter Logic Gaming”

Well, they got that fuckin right.

We’ve got a real MRA over here.

You are absolutely the disgusting one. In fact, you reveal how much more disgusting you are with every reply.

Let me lay it out for you: you have no empathy, no sense of reality, and absolutely no real skin in this game. You are - simply put - human garbage. A puss-filled sock puppet for

Flaw in my argument? That’s the entire point of it!

You trash talk at your own risk and there’s never going to be cut-and-dry “good” trash talk. Period. That’s why the arguing what is good and bad is bullshit.

If you want to do it, you carefully pick-and-choose who you say it to and who can hear it. Even when doing

I don’t know why anyone should cut him any slack. It’s his schtick, and no amount of “it was a bad day” can change that fact. If you started yelling shit like this dude in almost any business establishment someone would eventually ask you to leave. Why gamers think a digital version of that is any different is -

Yeah, I try to remind myself that people like this are dealing with significant mental illness/addiction... but holy shit this woman is a mess. The whole almost-apology reads more like “hey, please feel sorry for me and/or be proud of me”.

All god-awful behavior aside - she should at least own up to what a huge fuck-up

At this point it seems extremely likely that these guys are talking about it/referencing it at work... which I HOPE is obviously problematic. Also amplified when coworkers already feel like they are being objectified or otherwise treated differently based on their gender.

At some point it’s less about what you do on

Geeks and nerds come in all varieties, my man. I mean.. have you ever met a theater geek?

I like to think about it this way - is it really all that much of a stretch that someone with a career in acting might have some tabletop RPG, wargaming or LARPING in their background? For every Schwarzenegger that turns bodybuildi

Not gutted.. and yet, took the time to read the comments and reply. I guess something got to you.

I hate to break it to you... given that scams are invariably designed to make money, “those of you” are implicitly mentioned every time, bud.

It’s already implied that NFT fiends are shameless. Your comment basically amount

Ugh - not counting all of our LOVELY present-day school shootings - the only thing worse than US labor massacres are US race massacres.

Rednecks at the Battle of Blair Mountain got bombed also, but Tulsa got there a few months earlier (and with even more casualties)

While that is true, I think main point is that any call to unionize - at least as far as how unions are demonized in the US - by itself should be positively damning to the company involved.

The US has one of the bloodiest - if not THE bloodiest - histories of anti-labor violence in the world. Just over a hundred years

Wasn’t one of the first complaints about the battle pass that progression was too slow?


Forgot to add.. this should have happened BEFORE Anakin kills the younglings. Change “well, he did it before” into “he was at least conflicted about it before”.

I posted something similar to this a bit further up, but I agree with this completely.

Padme finding out about this should have been what ended them and (ideally) been the final nail in the coffin of Anakin turning.

I’ve always thought the confession to Padme happened waaaaaay to early. It’d have worked much much better if he struggled with it himself.

Honestly, it seems like it would have been the perfect thing for Palpatine to manipulate Anakin with. Drag out his internal conflict about it out until RotS. Convince Anakin he

Which is fine, but at the same time you probably need to at least accept that you are -in fact - in the minority there.

Sometimes where the gap falls makes a bigger difference than the size itself. I myself met my wife (5 years my elder) when I was 25. Shift that earlier 3 or 4 years and the difference between us experience-wise probably would have snuffed things out between us, assuming we’d met at all. Shift that 5 years later and

Maybe saying “intellectual” equal wasn’t the best choice of words, but I don’t think this is infantilizing adult women.

Once you hit a certain age (well before you’re 50) most 23 year olds - men AND women, basically seem like children in terms of life experience and priorities. Intellectually they can be anyone’s