
So, we’re saying crypto dudes don’t have a completely solid grasp on how things actually work. Shocking.

Hard disagree.

Honestly, some people seem so completely hurt by the late 90s X-Men (and Marvel comics in general) that they forget that the first half of the 90s was FANTASTIC. Everything up through Age of Apocalypse was great.

Although I don’t necessarily agree (story wise).. I can see how people would have been

Hard disagree.

Honestly, some people seem so completely hurt by the late 90s X-Men (and Marvel comics in general) that they forget that the first half of the 90s was FANTASTIC. Everything up through Age of Apocalypse was great.

Although I don’t necessarily agree (story wise).. I can see how people would have been

This.. is.. glorious.  I never even thought to outfit my marines like that.

People insist it’s because you can one shot+melee kill. Which I personally think is fine. Tweak spawn timer if you absolutely need to, but leave the thing alone.

Really... would anyone even be talking about this if the bulldog(shotgun) wasn’t so terrible this time around.

Jesus, I thought Pros were supposed to be the “better” players. The mangler is fine. Its relative power is balanced by its ROF and the fact that the shot arcs. You have to work for that headshot if you are at range.

And if it’s the melee you have a problem with then I think you have a new area of your game to work on.

No, fiesta is for weeding out the dour idiots that equate “doing fine” with “having fun”.

I’ll come out and say it.  Meow Wolf in Santa Fe is worth not getting Winds of Winter.

And yet in my state (in one of said rich countries) we’ve only got 56% of the population fully vaccinated, despite sitting on all of those doses.

It is most definitely BOTH things.

I’m so white I make Edgar Winter look like George Hamilton.

His most interesting arc (in the book) at this point was his questioning his parentage and how he deals with that - and that itself is almost an entirely internal conflict since it’s never spoken about to others.  It might be difficult to do without accidentally throwing a big flashing “Dragon Right Here” over him.

Someone has a crush. Or maybe works for her.

No, this absolutely was the bare fucking minimum.

makes no difference if Republicans take her Senate seat”

*looks at the vote* Curious, it appears to have made no fucking difference today.

1000+ well shit. I guess that outweighs the opinion of LITERALLY EVERY OTHER FUCKING ONE OUT THERE.

Science isn’t based on picking and choosing a minority consensus, dickhead. 

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of

Take a way stop signs and traffic lights before you say that.

What happens the next time when the cure/vaccine truly is questionable in terms of safety, and the government says take it or else lose your job? Do you truly believe that can’t happen?”

And yet this isn’t about the next time, Mr. Slippery Slope. This is about the current pandemic with the current vaccines.


So, let’s get one thing straight. The known information was the car was stolen and the suspect was a *possibly* armed. Even if you upgraded that to likely armed, you don’t have evidence to say that anyone was in IMMEDIATE danger.

Not saying it makes for an easy situation, but it also doesn’t necessarily warrant

Of course, the rational people would say that sounds like a perfect job for an unmarked car, and probably would be more freely accepted than using one for speed traps.

A special unit designed to follow a suspect and help make sure they are apprehended safely? What a disaster!

Of course, you could also interpret all of this as “hating cops that consistently get away with behaving irresponsibly”.

The fact that you equate that to “hating cops” says it all, really.  Apparently you believe there’s no way for them to behave responsibly?

Sounds like you you’re the one that hates cops.

Eat, drink and be merry....

Of all the things that don’t quite make sense in the Matrix, that wouldn’t be one of them.