
That’s a strange leap of logic. I guess by your count I didn’t care about it back then while I was actually paying attention to the criticism of it, unlike you?

I guess that should be expected from someone that argues “if I didn’t see it it doesn’t exist”.

Sorry, you’re right.  I somehow tune out every mention of Joe Rogan anymore.

Definitely a hralthcare worker, rather than a healthcare worker.

“..when he had the same exact material, sans JK Rowling, in all of his Netflix specials.”

Which is exactly why it’s getting so much attention now. Dave decided he’d double-down rather than meaningfully interrogate the response to his previous specials.

Try to keep up.

Spoken like someone that has never realized that being referred to as an “edgelord” is an insult.

1. Its wrong that killing a man causes less outrage then offending someones feelings”

The real irony being that the people most likely to defend him on this whole thing at this point are the EXACT ones least inclined to be outraged by killing a man.. especially a black man.

And also ignores the fact that he’s already been taken to task for the exact same thing previously.  He clearly can’t, or doesn’t want to, examine why that is.

Which is to say that he, like Dave, doesn’t actually get it at all...

Maybe you should take a moment and.. you know.. read the entire rant.

Sometime last year, I stopped listening to his podcast, because it went from being interesting, to him inviting older comedians on, and then proceeding to bitch for two hours about cancel culture and how they can’t tell jokes anymore. I mean, also

Please quit your job.

Then take some of that extra time you might use researching on Youtube and go study some math. Specifically probabilities.

You might be surprised that all those funny numbers specifically say that the vaccine is by far the less dangerous choice. Unlike whatever floats through your head in your

Nobody is under any obligation to respect an ill-informed choice.  Especially when he’ll be poster child for the ill-informed-choice brigade.

Nobody said that. Everyone knows anti-vaxxers are deluded crackpots. Which just so happens to encompass all the MAGA Chuds.  Subset, my dude.

That said. Nobody should be surprised that Mr.-Flat-Earth would buy into anti-vaxx nonsense. I can’t tell if the truly believes either or if he just likes the attention.

Yes, “agenda”. The “agenda” of making sure everyone gets protected as thoroughly as possible and therefore reduces their chance to spread it.

Vaccines don’t work 100% of the time either.  All the more reason to get as many people vaccinated as possible.

Looks around.

Motherfucker, we can’t even hang in terms of “natural” intelligence.

Some dogfucker yesterday tried to tell me - with a straight face - that millions of people have died from the vaccine. Millions!

Suuuure dude. Millions of people dying from it IN SECRET. Nobody but you and your RWNJ buddies are aware of it.

I laughed on the outside and died a bit on the inside.

Exactly this. This blanket anti-mandate is exactly the sort of overreach all these people that are “concerned” about excessive government power should be up in arms over... but no, not a peep out of them.

Funny how quickly their principles disappear when the government overreach in question aligns with their own view

Flounce out of life next, please.

Government telling citizens what to do in order to protect citizens = government.

Wow, that’s a lot of RWNJ right there.

None of this even covers the fact that we have more cases and hospitalizations post vaccination than we did pre vaccination, same with every other country with high vaccination rates, but I digress...”

“The fact”.. LMAO... there’s a reason it “doesn’t even cover” that “fact”..