
I’m positive this is due to accidental searches. Edge defaults to a bing search if it’s not quite sure what you want. So if you go to edge right now and type ‘google’ without letting it auto-fill ‘.com’ at the end you’ll go right to the bing search results.

I’ve done it on accident before, though I still can’t figure

Well, given that scalpers artificially limit supply and most retailers are happy to let them... it seems like “supply and demand” IS the story, and an important one at that.

Hey dumb fuck:

““It’s not just like, build more renewables and all will be well. It’s really thinking about the whole suite of technological solutions that need to be built around renewables,” she said.

Funny that you called it a daytime TV show. Where I lived it only aired super late night on weekends.

Television for those of us too old to want to go to bed, but too young to actually be out and doing anything fun with that time...

Look, I’m not fan of Bridgerton either - but I’m not sure why that would matter.

It’s not like you can’t do the exact same thing with literally any other media delivery method.

Oh, the progressives WILL get blamed even though it’s all on Sinema. Well, mostly. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone in AZ - her previous record as a Rep. completely predicted this. 

Martha McSally was the biggest gift Arizona Dems could have been given and pushing Sinema squandered it. Two years - hopefully more,

Yeah, 15 minutes with your doctor is “cult like”, apparently.

Where as having a judge force the hospital to give to an anti-parasite medicine completely unproven to do anything for covid is.. just fine, I guess?

Let’s clear something up. “Seeking medical help” could be a 15 minute appointment with your PCP. Which might not be unreasonable and not at all cult-like, whatever you’re on about.

However, what we’re talking about here are morons that refuse to take bare minimum precautions taking hospital/ICU beds away from people

I don’t really remember having problems with the PS1 or the N64 controller. Well, other than the PS1 opting for that horrible distinct-directional-buttons instead of a proper d-pad. Which Sony has never really gotten rid of, slightly improved as it has become.

Really though, the champion hand-murderer of the late

Nobody in their right mind used the stick for Killer Instinct Gold.

Honestly, the Dems really need to take back this narrative that having a fully accountable and transparent police force is somehow anti-cop.

It’s pro-fucking-cop goddammit, and it needs to be repeated. A police officer’s job becomes significantly easier and less dangerous if people generally can believe they are

What’s confusing? It’s not like Titanfall hasn’t been making a bit of news. What with the whole hacker drama with respawn’s servers (both Titanfall and Apex).

Counter-counter-point: That’s what makes that entire level so special. I’m not convinced it could carry an entire game as it’s “gimmick” (I mean come on - the gimmick in Titanfall is already there - Titans).

Also, one large level out of... eight I think? Titanfall 2's campaign was actually relatively short/brisk..

Even though I was first to defend titanfall in this particular thread... this is a pretty wacky take on Fallen Order. Then you made it wackier by even trying to compare it to the PoS that was The Force Unleashed.

I feel like you and I played two completely different games.

As much as I loved Fallen Order, no.

I have faith that there will be other interesting and enjoyable Star Wars games made. Titanfall is its own thing and deserves to live on.

It’s one of the very few games in recent memory where I finished the campaign and just immediately (and repeatedly!) turned around and played it on the next difficulty level.

So, so good.

The multiplayer was just icing on the cake.

I’m not sure why these numbskulls keep talking about “rejecting fear” when the entire argument is predicated on a fear of doing something for the common good.

Apparently public health policy will ABSOLUTELY be dictated by a “fear” of everyone taking a miniscule risk to help keep everyone safe. Or a fear of being

It’s just like cuckolding, only instead of your partner we’re using your wallet!

I think “don’t care” is probably not quite the way the OP meant it. It’s probably more accurate to say they don’t “feel” it the way someone old enough to experience it would have.

I “care” about world war 2 as an event and as something that has tremendously shaped the world as it currently stands, but I don’t “feel”

Uh, the internet at least had an immediate and demonstrable use. I think you underestimate the not-at-all vague potential of information transfer at-distance.

Even something as ridiculous as sending a dick drawn in ascii provided a hint at significant uses other than shitposting.

Do NFTs really provide that same