What’s all this unnecessary whining about? “Holds its own in competitive play” means gives you a “chance” without having to grind for years.
Read the original article referenced. Really, if you’re that much better than someone, you’ll do better.
What’s all this unnecessary whining about? “Holds its own in competitive play” means gives you a “chance” without having to grind for years.
Read the original article referenced. Really, if you’re that much better than someone, you’ll do better.
Can’t identify blatant, malignant racism looking them in the face, get all bent-out-of-shape by a pun that references race. It’s almost like they believe having your feelings kind of fake-hurt is the worst racism can do to you.
As a white person I feel like I’m more than qualified to say.. man, fuck white people.
Also popular: not being shot to death in Wal-Mart.
So, would this very reasonable legislator care to launch a poll comparing the popularity of the AR-15 with the popularity of NOT BEING SHOT IN THE FUCKING FACE WHILE INNOCUOUSLY GOING ABOUT YOUR DAY?
I suspect the data would surprise him.
I’m not sure how anyone could be expected to differentiate that from the rest of his show.
The implication from the website is that the game has Wolvie, Storm, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Magneto, and Deadpool as the base X-team/mutant representation.
That said, the upcoming DLC is also stated to have more X-men characters.
If the problem you mean is not getting actor’s likenesses, sure - but it seems like you’re ignoring the whole “Stylized would have been a better choice than realistic without those likeness rights” statement.
The problem with this is that a “regular” (if anyone sitting courtside at the finals is regular) fan would probably get a lifetime ban from the arena.
This is getting off easy.
I think you’re both right.
Trust me, I’m a completely anonymous person on the internet.
Now we can just make up and repurpose numbers, apparently. 45 million illegal immigrants?
I can’t speak for your husband but I am the same way. For me it starts with the texture - and I have ZERO clue why I react to ham specifically - but the thicker the ham, the more likely I am to gag. Why this is so prevalent with cured ham and not other cured meats is a mystery.
Arizona’s schools are only run fairly well when you consider how little there is to work with. They are still fantastically underfunded and the results speak for themselves. Being ranked 48 out of 50 for k-12 education is nothing to aspire to.
I don’t know that anyone here is going to really come down on someone that actually has a legitimate (and hopefully verifiable) medical issue with the shot. In fact, that’s the primary argument of this article - you do it for those people that can’t get one or are at higher risk if they do get the flu.
If I have any…
This must be one of those same people that (20ish) years ago would argue that I was crazy for saying I could see the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps when playing PC games.
I don’t know if it’s comforting or disturbing that there might be a segment of the population that ACTUALLY perceives things such that motion…
Some of us like to play co-op with our spouse or kids.
You might also find your Steam account telling you you’ve played <game x> for one hundred+ hours, when in reality you’ve really only managed 10ish.
The bonus drops are a limited time thing (Nov 7th - 11th), not a permanent compensation for making it hard to get pokestops as a passenger.