Unsophisticated Sophist

When lefties violently and disruptively protest Conservative speakers, and don’t allow people to hear them, they are reinforcing the worldview of the right in the same way that when police attack unarmed black men reinforces the worldview of the left.

Public universities are actually bound by the Constitution and hence the First Amendment.

The beauty of a liberal democracy is that the power structures are really malleable and not all imposing on people’s lives.

The reason the US grew into an economic super power was because of the free market.


Five thirty eight had a podcast where they pointed out that Democrats could win, even in off years if there was a significant enthusiasm gap, and point to 2006 when Dems won the House and tied in the Senate. That took a war people grew tired with, Katrina, and general incompetency of the Bush admin.

Voter ID laws aren’t racist because they have no proven disparate racial impact. I.e. It is not the case that people out there, who are mainly minorities, are in any way in any significant numbers being prevented from voting because they don’t have an ID.

The two state was orignally proposed by the United Nations. Israel has only been in occupation of the West Bank after the 1967 War.

Gerrymandering is a bipartisan issue.

Black people (both men and women) are 13% of the population. Since the gender divide is 50/50, black women would make up half of 13% which is 6%

Calling for Iran to get Nukes is calling for a major war in the Middle East.

The public option during the Obamacare was lost by 1 vote.

So did the Allied Powers win the war by fighting fascism with fascism. Did the U.K. And US start there own death camps where they decided to exterminate a whole group of people? Did they invade their neighbors for resources and lebensraum?

Well that is just a baseless accusation. I detest the Nazis of the right and I detest the authoritarians of the left. You could hate them both, it’s not mutually exclusive.

Sure, we could agree on that.

Fight evil with evil, fascism with fascist tactics.

UC Berkley’s isn’t legally allowed to discriminate a speaker invited by a student group based on the content of their beliefs. Even if actual Nazis showed up, they would have to allow them platforms.

Yes it is. Hate speech is free speech

Fight fascism with fascist tactics.