Unsophisticated Sophist

She’s just resting her arm. Stop projecting for god’s sake. I do EXACTLY this... and I mean EXACTLY. It’s not a white power symbol for the love of god!

Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.

The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch. 

I didn't always agree with him, but he's one of the few GOP members I actually had respect for. RIP Mr McCain.

which is a different thing that is not racism

What on earth was the point of this article? The entire internet is full of people writing articles and a bunch of other people shouting in agreement right below them. It’s happening in this comment section too!

Did you really expect Singal or their reps to speak with you given the way you approached the matter?

Jesus Christ, even as a pretty liberal Dem, I knew you’d somehow shit on a deceased 92 year old woman. She wasn’t Maya fucking Angelou, but she was still a nice lady.

This seems a bit harsh, especially within the hour of someone’s death. Is there no basic courtesy anymore? She wasn’t evil incarnate, for fuck’s sake.

The tendency of the left to call out every single thing they don’t agree with as “racist” is only going to make this problem worse. Sure, the black working class is certainly worth prioritizing as well, but you even mention in your piece that they are already overwhelming voting Democratic.

Because a country basically developed a systematic, industrial method for killing primarily one group of people to the point that they kept meticulous records of what they were doing on a daily basis. Not to diminish any other genocide, like the Armenian or Rwandan genocides, but the Holocaust is on a whole other

I get what you are trying to do, but they are distinctly different. This is a disservice to both things - please stop.

Whataboutism, regardless of ideology, is never the answer.

The fact you are comparing Apu’s depiction on The Simpsons to literally getting shot says a lot about how far the left’s outrage machine has come.

It is demonstrably untrue that “everyone” opposed the Soviet Union but it’s sort of irrelevant to the point if there were also liberals opposed to the Soviets. The question was “have conservatives ever been on the right side of history.” They were on the right side of that question. Other people being on that side

Opposing the Soviet Union

I’m sorry, this whole thing is completely ridiculous. Every single character on the show is a stereotype of something, and Apu is one of the more sympathetic ones at that. On a show filled with complete idiots and sociopaths, Apu has always been written as one of the smarter, more self-aware characters on the show.

I love how this same article could be written about HamNo, swapping the excerpts for excerpts from any of his articles, and the names.

The Iraq War was a good idea. Sorry, but it was. Stop saying it wasn’t. It was a good idea and a very profitable idea that helped the Global Community including The Iraqi People. The Middle East, and many parts of Africa, are now able to immigrate to more luxurious countries in Europe. The Iraq War also permanently

They’re not giving him an award and the event isn’t about the positive future of news, so I don’t really see a problem with him speaking. He’s an influential and important figure in media these days, even if he is a dirtbag. Actually, I’d be far more interested in hearing him speak than Zucker or Baquet.