This is so strange.
This is so strange.
“Nothing can ever be compared to him.”
If you say Nigel Farage is responsible for laying the ideological groundwork for this man to murder an MP, does that mean that BLM is responsible for laying the ideological groundwork that killed the police officer?
Silence = consent
Many people voted for Obama while at the same time opposing drone strikes. They empowered someone who conducts drone strikes. What would that make these people?
I voted for Clinton.
We must judge all Trump voters by the worst people in their group.
As of late?
What we need is the narrowest coalition that agrees with us on 100% of the things. If someday disagrees on minor things like tone, then they don’t deserve to be in our coalition, and must be hounded out.
You have bad history.
This is such a weird logic.
His daughter does seem to have some influence on him, and she is Jewish. So......
Well you have to separate voter’s perception of things and the actual things. All it tells me is that Clinton was bad at getting her message across.
Lots of people are suffering. You can appeal to everyone at the same time. Its not mutually exclusive to talk about issues that face minorities and issues that face the white working class. Obama did this for two election and was able to win.
I keep repeating this to no avail. But will try again.
Before the election, there were these anti-war people who were vociferously arguing that they couldn’t vote for a war-monger like Clinton, and that it would be a morally compromised thing to do.
Some people chanting that doesn’t mean everybody does.
I am sure he didn’t expect it to be controversial.
Yea I am not arguing that Trump is any good on anything, or that he is in any way likely to fix the problems or that he even cares about them. But, the voters’ perception of Clinton wasn’t good. Again, I voted for her in the primaries, but its quiet clear in hindsight that she was a bad choice.
During the campaign, the issue of TPP came up. Clinton said that she was opposed to it, even though she had previously supported it. Now, I pretty much thought she was lying, and I say this as somebody who is supportive of free trade and voted for Clinton in the primaries and the general.