Its tweeter. It’s 146 characters. Assuming all the context for the what he is saying is just impossible from one tweet
Its tweeter. It’s 146 characters. Assuming all the context for the what he is saying is just impossible from one tweet
Talking to the white working class doesn’t mean you endorse racism. Bernie Sanders is not a closet racist.
Individuals are smart. But the people are stupid.
If somebody doesn’t vote for Hilary because of their dislike, or even hatred for her, then it doesn’t really make them a racist. Are you going to claim that the non-voters are racist as well because they chose not to vote. They are 42% of the eligible voters. It really cheapens the meaning of the word racism when it…
This is the type of divisiveness and poison that has infected our political discourse and make someone like Trump more possible. Each side goes to its own echo chamber and disavows the others for their political beliefs and refuses to listen to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. It leads to the fractious politics…
There is a reason why we should check Executive Power. When Obama is in office and Congress blocks him at every turn, it might seem like a good idea. But, then you might get someone like Trump and then what are going to do about, now that you have increased the power of the Executive branch and removed the checks and…
Not doubt all the racists and sexists voted for Trump. But if you are kind of missing the point.
See this is what is so difficult about the type of politics and the type of thinking that dominates a certain very vocal section of the illiberal left.
are you talking about Jezebel or other news media outlets? I am genuinely confused.
All the votes haven’t been counted yet. There are still a few million votes left to be counted. When they are the turnout figures are going to be pretty much the same as the 2012 elections.
White British people being violent against white Polish people is racist?
How do you plan on winning elections then?
He is the most bloodthirsty or amateurish strategist in history. For over five years this man has been chasing around Europe like a madman in search of something that he could set on fire.
And yet 70% of the voters in this election thought illegal immigrants should get pathway to legal citizenship. Some of these people were bound to have voted for Trump.
How do you explain the 29% of Latinos who voted for Trump, up from the 25% Mitt Romney got? Or the fact that 30% of foreign born US-citizens voted for Trump?
It is not mutually exclusive. You don’t have to start appealing/condoning/excusing racism to appeal to rural white voters.
Its an interesting thing to look at the exit polls and see what people actually thought about immigration.
because he is a racist and says racist things.
But identity politics is to be blames.