Unsophisticated Sophist

Not everyone works in the same way. Some people can obviously see through Trump, but there are a whole lot of people who require “persuasion.”

A slate commenter explained it quiet well:

Obama’s decision to not enforce the red line he himself drew regarding Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria has, at least in some ways, led to disaster. His inaction had led to the strengthening of the Assad regime, of Russian interventions. Assad has used chemical weapons and barrel bombs to kill hundreds of

People who support evil politics are not merely expressing a difference of opinion, they’re revealing the abject nature of their character.

But Scalia didn’t believe that “black people shoudn’t have equal rights.”

Burn the witch. We need to do everything to make sure people who hold counter-revolutionary sentiments are held to account for hindering the progress of humanity.

Think same-sex marriage is wrong, but have no desire to see that wrongness legislated? Think climate change is exaggerated, but don’t oppose reductions in carbon emissions? I can work with that. But if they want to force other people’s agreement (or at least their compliance), I’m kinda with you on this - we

The problem with repeating hyperbolic rhetoric over and over again is that eventually people won’t be able to separate hyperbole from reality.

What do you have against letting freedom sing?

The Democratic Party didn’t run anyone. I means Sanders only became a democrats last year. If the Democratic Party could control who runs in their primaries, you would think Sanders wouldn’t have been allowed from the very beginning.

And you can guarantee that their beliefs will stay the same, that there won’t be any change.

Even Obama didn’t try single payer because DEMOCRATS in the House would have rejected it. The GOP’s demise isn’t going to bring in the era of floursihing progressivism.

It does matter if its the state or the federal government. Thats the whole point of federalism. A mandate that comes from the federal government is much more intrusive on individual rights than a mandate that occurs at the state level, or at a local level. With states, you can move if you find it too intrusive, you

He is the most bloodthirsty or amateurish strategist in history. For over five years this man has been chasing around Europe like a madman in search of something that he could set on fire. As a soldier he is a bad politician and as a politician is an equally bad soldier. The gift he possesses is the gift to lie with

The fact of the matter is that in this country, gun control began with trying to restrict guns from the hands of black people. A common trope perpetuated was that they were prone to violence and couldn’t be trusted with guns. If you look at the gun control debate today, the same arguments are used by people who want

Where would the trial have taken place? Could you reasonably assure the safety and security of all those involved in the trial, or would their safety be compromised for life? Could you have assured that Bin Laden we would have been able to be taken alive?

I don’t think someone named “Castro” is going to be nominated as VP

1) But the Iranian regime is our enemy. Many of their acts are directly opposed to our national interest and so yes they are our enemy.

The problem with your position is that to drive them out of town, you need to have majority of the vote in America. The fact is that most people are either supportive of the people who voted for the Iraq War, don’t care about their vote, or are willing to overlook it. The number of people who prescribe to your

What utter nonsense. As someone whose entire family is made up of immigrants, this is so far from the truth. The US accepts more than 1 million legal immigrant every year. They are mostly from Asian countries (China, India, Philippines) or from Latin America. There are work visas for skilled immigration, but their is