Unsophisticated Sophist

Unless words in your world means something entirely different from their regular usage, then no it wasn’t perfectly obvious.

Well then maybe instead of saying white people, you should have said “some white people.” That would have saved you and a lot of responders a lot of time and energy.

You are on the internet, on a comment board that has at least some freedom to comment, to direction conversations, in a manner you see fit.

And that response isn’t going anywhere and is always going to be made to a post like this because it is a perfectly logical point to make.

So if someone starts talking about how Muslims are terrorists, you wouldn’t have a problem with it?

Yes i know what an institution means. My whole point has been that you don’t need to be part of an institution to take part in racism or be a racist. A murder, not being part of an institution, can still be a racist and partake in racism. This under the subverted definition is not possible and that is just plain absurd

Well, you forget that there is the other part of Kant’s philosophy about individuals and intentions. My moral “world-view” is very strongly influenced by the ideas of individual autonomy and the primacy of intentions in the morality of an act. And this is why I always find it difficult to square many of the ideas that

This is good old semantic obfuscation at which academics, particularly in the humanities, excel.

“Racism is prejudice plus power”

When was the academy ever relevant, outside of its own little groupies?

“a special protected class” is a nice way of putting an underclass made to pay a tax for their very existence. Its kinda of like suggesting that blacks in the South during Jim Crow were a “special protected class.”

Yes, I don’t have a problem with statistics in general. In many areas, including many areas of social sciences, such as demographics, statistics can be helpful in understanding and explaining a lot of things. My problem is with certain type of studies that do statistical analysis is a way that relies on fundamentally

The scare quotes are there to illustrate the dubious nature of social studies claim to be sciences. They try very hard to appear scientific, but all it is is a mask.

And therein lies the problem. Its not just my methodology, but that of most researchers in the social “sciences.”

Oh I have heard of it, I suggest you read

Statistics is worse than damned lies. You could walk up to classrooms all across college campuses, divide them between left and right, measure of bunch of things from height, age, weight, gender, etc. and you would find that you get something that gives you statisticaly significant difference between people on the

For the vast majority of human history, slavery has been pretty much accepted world wide.

Generally those on the left are more educated and do more research I agree. That does tend to lead to a feeling that someone who disagrees, who is less educated, who has done zero research, and whose entire argument is factually incorrect might in fact be less intelligent.

No one think that they are in the wrong. But the point isn’t whether progressives believe themself to be correct, it is how they see those that disagree with them. You can disagree with people, and yet you can respect their disagreement, understanding that reasonable, intelligent, well-informed people can disagree.

I am not a revolutionary. I quite like the system we have right now, though I think it needs a few reforms. I think you overestimate the power of the Presidency and the influence of the old “democratic socialist” who wants to bring about a revolution. Universal healthcare has no chance of passing as long as