“Brutality of the Middle Ages.” The middle ages were no less brutal than our contemporary world. And they certainly weren’t filled with senseless violence.
“Brutality of the Middle Ages.” The middle ages were no less brutal than our contemporary world. And they certainly weren’t filled with senseless violence.
A woman can only get pregnant from a rape if its a “legitimate rape.”
Slavery has existed in all parts of the world at one point or another, from Europe to Africa, to Asia to the Middle East and America. And you are right, it is the scale of slavery itself in America that was different - and most of it was spread out in Southern US and Brazil. There is a legacy of that institution which…
Before Europeans invented it as such, slavery was not a condition that was defacto inherited from parent to child
There was truth in those statements - in that American slavery was largely perpetrated by Europeans, and that after the Atlantic Slave Trade was outlawed, the propagation of slavery was done mostly via inheritances of white southern plantation owners. However, suggesting that the whole institution of slavery was solely…
I deprived them of the nuance and complexity that such subjects always deserve
Here is something for you to consider.
Geller is a vile, vitriolic, vicious, villainous piece of humanity.
If we are going to go with dictionary definition, here is the definition of riot by dictionary.com
Uprising: When the violence is directed towards the oppressor
Feeling disgusted by police conduct and by looters is not mutually exclusive. One can both care about someone killed by the police and looting
Well the first amendment means you can have your opinions and you have a right to express them. That doesn't mean people have to listen or to follow and take to heart those opinions.
I am not sure what you are getting at. If the implication is that only rapes by black males are covered at Jezebel or even in the media then that is pretty much false. If the implication is that there is a special way in which this is covered in contrast to other rapes then that is also false.
a tool doesn't have intentions. People can use a tool to whatever purpose they want to. That people have used certain tools of the government in a racially biased way is not an indictment of said tool. It is the fault of those who use said tool in that manner.
Like Trevor Noah
If only the union had allowed the South to secede
If they have been deemed suicidal, then I think it makes sense to ask about guns. However, if they are not, then I don't see any reason why
But "diet and nutrition" are fundamental to health of the human body. Guns are almost irrelevant in this regard. Should doctors ask about radon detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, etc.?
Well, I think its better than Herman Cain.
I don't buy the argument that, in order to give medical advice, a doctor has to know about gun in the household.