This is exactly how i react hah and ive been through some shit
This is exactly how i react hah and ive been through some shit
People ask for light weight wheels, this is a possibility
I choose yours
we all know it has only been v8 mustangs
No, its much more likely that some EE’s design a way to beat efficiency checks with some sort of mechanism, programming; electric motorgate.
Yeah man
I love america, no I don’t. Guns dont kill people, pressure cookers do
I love america, no I don’t. Guns dont kill people, pressure cookers do
hot damn i wasnt expecting that price
I cant wait! i have my dad drive it to work once a week so it can stretch its legs
Hahaha, i gotcha. I let my jalop friends drive it whenever i have a chance just to let her stretch her legs, it feels faster from the passenger seat anyway! and its fun watching them be surprised by the power
Dr. Rcasi is an epileptologist? Impressive
Only recently got seizures under control (as in not having them anymore) 4.5 months ago, before i was having almost 50 a month, so im 40 days from being able to drive at all
Hey thats not the worse CEL in the world
Eplilepsy is a mofo
Epilepsy is a bitch
Dont tell me that :( i have driven my wrx 800 miles the pst 4 and a half years
a car collecting dust in a garage doesnt remove a good car from the market for me! just makes it overpriced haha
wait conventional manuals are a pain?
oh im with you dont worry ma brotha/sistah