Niko's Work Account

Science, nasa and armed forces wastes a lot of money in pursuit of improvement, and i like them. disregard grammer im at work not looking

love your mom

Well youre gonna be upset forever. Im glad our government wasted so much money

We spend billions to look at rocks in the sky. Shit costs money man. Deal with it

You know that plastic and material science has improved since the 90s right? Its kinda how science works

I know i know i knooooooooooooow

Loved my 95

because a casio can do 90% of what a rolex can

Wait, is the PDK slower?

But hey no one referred to it as an after run chiller so shut up!

No, just no. Just because this 24 yo asshole cant control his car doesnt me i should lose my right to drive my only car

Nah, it teaches a lesson

Hahahahaha noooot all the time. You can become one with the snowbank

I always tell people that awd cars dont give you as much warning that they are going to spin the fuck out as most rwd cars do

lol drive anything else. Love when people sperg out here

not every audi is meant for sporty driving. Quatro is pretty effective in snow. Prefer my subaru though

Many cars do, my coworkers camaro for example

I have driven a porsche in deep ohio winter no problem, just gotta be gentle as much as i would have been in any of my cars. Maybe not a good idea for him though

Loved mine from 14k miles to 224k

I have watched his vids everything is alright