Niko Perrier

It’s not homophobic. It’s as you said, merely shorthand for saying no women invited/involved.

Do the chickens have large talons?

He’s what my dear departed granny would have called common.

Minus 5 points for the superfluous capitalization of ‘clueless’.

Smarties on the end of a fishing line.*

I’m not afraid of clowns, I just hate them. Clowns and mimes. Fuck ‘em all with a spinnaker pole.

Hand to God, I dropped down to the comments to say just that, but I was just gonna spell it out. I ain’t so clever. Anyways... well said. Nice vanity plate, even. I’d blue star ya, but my kinja is fucked.

Hey, it’s Microwave Ned Beatty!

I hope the courts say, “Fuck you, Sony. A contract’s a contract,” as they did to Kesha.

no. it's just very poorly written

It's just incredibly poorly written. It's not you.

I discovered a long time ago that basketball is way more fun to watch when you mute the TV, put some good music on the stereo, and fire up a doob.

Be mindful of the elves, eh?

I thought that was the “needs more Hitler” channel. I can’t keep ‘em straight.

Needs more aliens.

Same here.


The other boss storm chaser who gets blown up (literally) in Twister.