Niko Perrier

I came by it naturally, as I’m originally from the northwest Georgia foothills, although there it was more like “homma,” as in “Homma whup yer ass.”

a soup can of vitriol and a carton of tears

Imma say ‘bout 40 proof.

“very bad earpiece” = ”dog ate my homework”

Thank you.

the guy overall is relatively moderate


Now playing

Here to second your CCR pick. It’s by far my favorite. Close second would be Green River:

She’s awful, but as the show goes on, the other characters overshadow her completely. I wish she’d get sent to solitary and stay there.

It’s a Robert Burns poem, “Song Composed in August”:

Stung like a motherfucker. It’s no substitute for after shave.

Now playing

That Johny Flynn reminded me of this, which maybe you’re already familiar with, but it deserves promotion:

Here’s a lesson I learned today. Do not, ever, wash your face with a handful of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The cloud of fumes around your nose and mouth make it nearly impossible to take a breath. I liked t’faint.


No worries, mate.

The professor’s name is Melissa Click. It was a joke...

The abyss calls forth the abyss.

‘Honer’ is slang for autofellatio.