I came by it naturally, as I’m originally from the northwest Georgia foothills, although there it was more like “homma,” as in “Homma whup yer ass.”
I came by it naturally, as I’m originally from the northwest Georgia foothills, although there it was more like “homma,” as in “Homma whup yer ass.”
a soup can of vitriol and a carton of tears
Imma say ‘bout 40 proof.
“very bad earpiece” = ”dog ate my homework”
Thank you.
the guy overall is relatively moderate
Here to second your CCR pick. It’s by far my favorite. Close second would be Green River:
She’s awful, but as the show goes on, the other characters overshadow her completely. I wish she’d get sent to solitary and stay there.
It’s a Robert Burns poem, “Song Composed in August”:
Stung like a motherfucker. It’s no substitute for after shave.
That Johny Flynn reminded me of this, which maybe you’re already familiar with, but it deserves promotion:
Here’s a lesson I learned today. Do not, ever, wash your face with a handful of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The cloud of fumes around your nose and mouth make it nearly impossible to take a breath. I liked t’faint.
The professor’s name is Melissa Click. It was a joke...
The abyss calls forth the abyss.
‘Honer’ is slang for autofellatio.