
99% of defendants enter a not guilty plea at arraignment, particularly cases that went through the grand jury process, because discovery hasn’t begun yet. No competent defense attorney would let their client plead guilty at the arraignment without reviewing all the evidence the State has and entering serious plea

“While in hindsight it may appear to be an easy call, it was not that simple in the moment.”

I love the idea of an omnipotent being worrying about Justin Bieber’s boner and subsequent feelings. Really, bless his heart. 

I’m not sure if it’s the styling (her sophisticated outfit paired with his shirtlessness and tattoos) but that photo looks like a nephew being cradled weirdly by his more adult aunt.

I cannot understand the point of posting someone else’s picture just so people tell you how pretty A PERSON WHO ISN’T YOU is. 

they said that “digging through a user’s post history” was against Reddit’s terms of service

I’m not comfortable with the fact that the statement is coming from Hickerson and not Panettiere. I understand privacy, but if they’re going to make a public statement at all, it should be from the person everyone’s worried about.

I think in this specific case, the girl already knew that she couldn’t trust her own parents to help and protect her. That messes with your head. 

It is very very very rare for kids to make up sexual abuse. It is far more common that moms are so desperate to keep a man in their life (be it for emotional, financial, or other reasons) that they allow their kids to be abused.

The police don’t need one more instance of rape to act on this. Call the authorities.

I hope her cunt mother goes to jail and loses custody of this girl and any other children she has forever. She doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s mother. 

I was lucky enough to be believed by my mom when I told her my stepfather was molesting me and we left the next morning when he went to work. This poor girl, the betrayal of not having your own mother not believe you and put you in further harms way. I hope she gets the therapy and support she needs with trustworthy

She had the courage to speak out and ask for help. And was further abused. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone who failed her. Fuckkkkk. 

Fuck everyone in this story except for the girl and the police who found her. I hope all of these terrible adults get exactly what they deserve. 

EAT THE RICH. Are we waiting for someone to hand us a spoon or something?

In Siberia, kerosene road burns you!

The only people I know who have ever intervened are women. Men will pretend that “protecting the women” is part of their masculinity trip but really most of them are cowards.

I had no miscarriages and I would have been terrified to intervene at 7 mos pregnant.  You did what you could safely do in that situation.  If people could not be garbage humans, it would really be great. 

I am generally a person who helps.

You tagged this “Los Angeles” rather than merely “Assholery in modern urban life” so I offer an anecdotal counterpoint. Onlookers in Los Angeles can also be very good Samaritans!