
I think that AggressivelySensible was not saying that she was threatened by or disliked being bought dinner by a man, but that maintaining our right to be bought dinner by dudes is not, like, a mainstay of the feminist platform. A lot of guys seem to imagine that if they're like, oh, you want to be treated equally?

Huh. I find it hard to believe that you "don't know what Jezebel is" when just below you've said that you should have expected this type of harsh response on Jezebel. Oh well — I guess go back to Gawker if you don't like it?

Why are you equating blow jobs and $ instead of blow jobs and cunnilingus? That seems very revealing of how transactionally you view sex.

Why are you on Jezebel if you don't like "the female responses"?

No, haven't you heard? The feminists are getting rid of the first amendment and you LITERALLY are not allowed to say that.

Cool - women care about your gonads.

Female as Straelbora is using it is an adjective. The objection is to the word female as a noun.

Responding to criticism: fine.

he's permanently wrong in my mind!

At the risk of doxxing myself (because there are only a handful of staff there) I used to teach at Harvey Milk HS. People severely misunderstand what population of kids go there. First, it's an alternative transfer school open to anyone (and there is a sizeable population who is not LGBTQ, but otherwise marginalized

When I call you a dickless cracker chauvinist KKK-wizard douchebro you must think it's fucking hysterical. No? Huh. Wonder why raping women and saying nigger is so hilarious then.

It's really unfortunate that you feel demanding asking your husband to do his part to get you off, too, especially given how few women come from penetrative sex alone. I'm with you on the rest of it, but if he can't handle getting you off, and you want to get off, that's not okay! Maybe you just feel that he wouldn't

I love it! Send it to me!!

This is awful, but the only friends with kids that I'm no longer close to are either those who no longer have time for me (completely understandable) or those who are so wrapped up with their kid that they don't have any interest in talking about anything except baby/kid-related things or ever getting together without

I guess you and I see the "rug pulling" in different places. Calling a girl a cunt and then having her ignore you is just daily existence, not loss of privilege. Being mocked for your sexist douchery on a website is the part that seems to me like a wake up call.

Don't care. They were headed there anyway.

Male is an adjective. Man/men is a noun. Here Bears is saying "the male version" — it wouldn't be grammatical to say "the man version." People use female as a noun overwhelmingly more often than they do "male" and your belief that you found reverse sexism here is false.

Yeah, I mean in an ideal world parents know what's going on in classes because teachers communicate the curriculum and kids talk to parents about what they're doing in school. As a teacher I do that to cover my own ass — I don't want some crazy homophobic parent whining about "you didn't tell me that you were reading

No problem. I'm just saying that it's a complicated issue and as a teacher, I always think it's hilarious when parents think that their personally held beliefs, whether rational or not, should govern policy for an entire school/school system. Like, just because "you're the parent" doesn't mean you get to micromanage

What do you envision the consequences of them watching a rabbit be killed (by a rabbit farmer who's going to kill the rabbit anyway) might be?