
“How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about...”

This is a guy who considers himself “pro-life”.

Really, it’s not an attack on her heritage, Steve King? When the first FREAKING WORDS of your meme were “When you claim Cuban heritage yet you don’t speak Spanish”?!

Yes, they lionize and venerate those who they are going to have to kill in cold blood when they overthrow the government.

More guns just means more gun violence and deaths in those communities, so he’d probably be fine with it.

I’d be 100% down, but I also fear it would increase the number of cop shootings (like, POC getting shot). I mean you can’t even have a cellphone anymore.

Children don’t count until they are actual children not clumps of cells in the womb in a woman that doesn’t count. Then it swaps over to “but why won’t anyone think of the precious guns!”

And rocks. Don’t forget the buckets full of rocks.

This from people who swear up and down that they’re against “political correctness.”

I love the respectability politics bullshit. These kids use bad words, they were rude to adults at that CNN event, they didn’t bow and scrape to a US Senator... for shame. Yes, yes I’m sure if they were polite, quiet and obsequious you’d totally listen to their message!

Not surprising. That kind of double talk is par for the course with racist shitheads. Particularly against Latinos, as I can personally attest. They want you to be American, but when they need you to be a stereotype of what they think a Latino should be, they shit on you for not conforming to that.

Hasn’t he also tried pulling the “my comment is not racist when viewed in isolation because...” thing before? Because, as you noted, the dude is a fucking racist. Anything he has to say on the subject of race, ethnicity, nationality and so on should absolutely always be viewed with his racism in mind. I’m fucking so

You have to be some kind of evil to go after a teenage girl who survived a school shooting. Like you truly have to be the worst type of person. Monsters.

It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.

Is “Cuban flag patch” going to be the new “US flag pin” for right wingers to flip out about?

So politician admits that politicians are pointless because they’re not going to do anything you want.

Rick Santorum: Desperate for camera time and relevance.

He’s going back to the old “personal responsibility” idea. Amazing how NOW he wants it after the GOP did the opposite for years.

Rick Santorum isn’t just a failed Presidential candidate. He’s a failed human being.

I read this and all I can thing of is Sarge from Red vs Blue saying “Grif, why in Hell would you give somebody CPR for a bullet wound in the head!? That doesn’t make a lick of sense.”