
Because Nick Cruz “was hated” gives him an excuse to kill?

They are doing better than “the gun policy experts” who are only experts at getting paid by the gun manufacturers.

ItThat’s really, really stupid to suggest that the solution to bullying is for the bullied to do more Columbines. You must be one of those crazy people who think you can shoot your way out of everything.

You’re just another sad Eeyore who doesn’t want to do anything about the problem, so you project your sadness into a bitter jealous anger at DAVID, not CAMERA, Hogg because you’re being out talked by someone younger than you. “He’s being coached, nyah nyah nyah, he’s too young to do it on his own” ...yet in a mere few

#AmbivalenceTrap: affecting too many people over 35. You’re making yourself just spin in circles trying to weigh both sides.

Enough with this “it’s the media’s fault” for the evil people choose to do, people were evil before the printed word was even invented.

Just another Eeyore who’s raining on everyone’s parade with their “boo hoo can’t win don’t try” sad ass attitude.

Your understanding of “leftist” positions sounds like it came from the kooks at Alex JonesTown.

I call comparing these kids to Hitler Pretzel Brain Syndrome, because these people’s minds are truly twisted.

It’s past time to stop the fuzzy gray “in the middle” bullshit, for too many situations it’s as useless as dryer lint.

100% true!

And you’re bitching about “but they aren’t saying anythingthing new, anything new” instead of realizing that the fact that this shit keeps happening is the actual problem?

Ohh, that would be beautiful...

Hm. And here I was thinking that Betsy DeVos’ worst nightmare was bears on campus...

Honey, these are not grownups we’re dealing with - these are overgrown gray haired wannabe tweenager brats who are mad because their old broken down bodies can’t emulate the hero scenes in the movies or on TV, so all they can yell.

“These kids are not saying anything new...”

Just pick up a mirror, if you have the strength, because you’re a weak bothsideser and all.

Your defining this as “exploitation” is the problem here. The word is a poison pill in this gun debate.

“My, what big teeth you have...”
