
I’m bawling now.

it’s a good thing we have rick santorum to tell these kids that they oughta be taking CPR lessons and taking control of things themselves rather than protesting and trying to force a change in legislation.

The NRA is just a front organization for the gun and weapon manufacturing industry designed to change the public’s perception of the second amendment and promote gun culture in order to sell more weapons domestically. That’s where the real money is coming from.

Ironically it was another Douglas High School survivor Kyle Kashuv who offered the most grounded counter-argument on “Face the Nation.”

He’s just saying what the NRA paid him to say. I think the term is “parroting”. Well, studies suggest a parrot has some comprehension of what it is saying, so my apologies to any parrots reading this: I didn’t mean to imply that Rick Santorum is as smart as you.

I saw the end of this clip throughout the day and didn’t know who she was until now. Makes perfect sense.

Rick “Jazz Hands” Santorum and anyone else spewing this level of stupid should have to tour a morgue after a shooting and see what exactly they are dealing with. How you going to do CPR when there is no chest left, Rick? Where do you do compressions if the heart is pretty much gloppy soup?

The problem with this is that non-white folks with guns will show up and that makes them pee their pants. I’ve mentioned here before that it happened in St. Louis after Mike Brown was murdered. The (then) Tea Party contingent decided to have a pro-gun, open carry rally—a thinly disguised intimidation tactic aimed

Rick, anything you’d like to say that’s morally reprehensible, anything at all that the remaining 3% of the population who doesn’t already think you’re a massive dickhead would like to know about you?

Those NRA bitches sure sound whiny and petulant and scared, for a pack of purported warriors. Wah wah wah, children are speaking out against us and they’re all getting a bigger audience than we are, wah wah wah, why didn’t that anti-gun rally invite any pro-gun speakers?

Now playing

Or, instead of protesting, they should be learning CPR for the next time their friends are shot full of bullets?

“Inane public ramblings” might be a better term

Trump’s running away to Mar- a- Lago instead of being in Washington DC today speaks deafening volumes.

And that asshole Trump hightailed it out of Washington hours ahead of this march for - guess where - yes, a shitty, tacky resort in Florida he owns.

I wouldn’t categorize anything Trump has said in public as ‘a speech.’

I wonder the same thing because my father is the same way. He believes the world is awful, bad, and that’s how it’s supposed to be because your reward is heaven. He’s deeply religious (Atwood’s Gilead levels of religious) and pro-Trump. He adores Pence. I call it the kind of evangelism that is nihilism masquerading as

Goddammit. I thought Hillary was supposed to be the war hawk. And now TrumPutin blunders us into an unnecessary conflict to distract from his myriad scandals and incompetencies?

From CNN:

Do you think they’ll at least give us the weekend before they start bombing Tehran?

Uh-oh! McMaster is out, Bolton in as Nat’l Security Advisor. This is bad. This is we’re going to war bad.