
Yes - and another expense that school districts will have to bear, although state legislatures are suddenly coming up with “emergency funding” in the hundreds of millions of dollars to “implement security measures.” Quite the windfall for manufacturers of detection devices and rent-a-cop firms, not so much for

I hope they protest by everyone carrying around shit like sex toys.

Right....because a clear backpack would TOTALLY have stopped the expelled student carrying an AR-15 onto campus.

When will this country call white people who mass murder and set off bombs terrorists? Asking for a friend.

I did think, when I read one of the packages was sent by FedEx, that this isn’t going to take long before it’s over

He’s literally a terrorist but no one will call him this because he is a white male.

People saying they’d never catch him were being a little dense. He literally waltzed into a FedEx store to drop off a package. It was a matter of time.


Was he an organ donor? If so, was there anything left to harvest?

So he’s almost certainly a literal suicide bomber. Is it terrorism yet?

Call him a terrorist.

Well, at least he died doing what he loved.

Unless he is a registered Democrat, then he’s a terroist.

I’m super excited to see how the right wing troll army, after deliberating through their usual discord channels and 4Chan, will spin this one to make such fantastic claims like:

Karma bomb.

White guy. Shocker... Case closed. No reason to look into why he would do it.


Using FedEx was sooooooooooooo dumb.

I got shit on for commenting on how stupid the dude is and prob is on security footage dropping off and paying for the shipments.

Yesterday everyone was saying that they’d never catch the guy. “Oh please contact us,” said the authorities on live television.

And suddenly BOOM he’s dead.